ECT The Climax of Theology


Well-known member
The climax of biblical theology is the NT quoting the OT. This makes it an area to be taken up with great care. It also means that there are huge potential mistakes when 1, a person confines himself to the OT, or 2, has a disastrous handling of how the NT uses the OT. Chafer said the Bible was confused--without him! You see a lot of 1 and 2 here at TOL, yet few people realize how disastrous this is.

If a JW said that Jesus was a god, and that that is what Jn 1 said, most on ECT here would pile on him. But when people do #1 or 2 in the above paragraph, people think they are correct.

With that in mind, here is Brinsmead in the 70s summarizing how the NT built on the structure of 4 of Daniel's visions:

The unified witness of the NT writers is that all the eschatological promises of the OT find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ, Acts 13, 2 Cor 1. In Him the eschatological hope of Israel is realized. ...We (the Australian Forum, and its magazine Present Truth) suggest that the NT uses four major OT motifs to interpret the Christ event.
1, the Synoptics employ the kingdom of God motif
2, Paul interprets the Christ event as the 'righteousness of God'
3, the writer to the Hebrews uses the Yom Kippur motif to give his distinctive witness to Christ's work
4, John sees the gospel as the coming of eternal life.
These four major characterizations of the Christ event may be found in the OT in general but are in the book of Daniel in particular.

If Christ's gospel is such a climax, then it is not obsessing to make sure this 'forms' in your minds. When people think God is running some other program that will feature Judaism in Judea again in a golden age with "Christ" overseeing daily sacrifices etc there, there is a storm of confusion from Chafer, Scofield and Ryrie "making sense" of the Bible.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Translation: if every single OT concept isn't reiterated verbatim in the NT, then it is worthless.

Thanks, Bible unbeliever.