Please explain all that is found in the Civil Law.
LOL!! You don't ask for much do you.
Hey guys, tell me everything in the law. LOLLLL
I have heard that it has to do with criminal law, which contradicts the following.
civ·il law
/ˈsivil lô/
the system of law concerned with private relations between members of a community rather than criminal, military, or religious affairs.
- the system of law predominant on the European continent and of which a form is in force in Louisiana, historically influenced by the codes of ancient Rome.
Better find out the difference between rights and privileges.
Research the LIEBER CODES and learn what happened, then if you still embrace this compact of liars you will at least actually know what your supporting.What can you say?
Research the LIEBER CODES and learn what happened, then if you still embrace this compact of liars you will at least actually know what your supporting.
Better find out the difference between rights and privileges.
Better find out the difference between rights and privileges.
Better find out the difference between rights and privileges.
Interesting video. A little bit extreme here.[/QUOTE
How so? Where do you get your sovereign rights, your creator or man? Your under mans law if you except privileges which we all have been conditioned to partake in to some degree. The video explains how the populace gave up their unalienable rights to self governance by following men instead, not realizing that God and his kingdom is to be searched for in them Luke 17:21, 1 Corinthians 3:16, who they have rejected for some outward form of Baal worship hiding behind a multitude of labels in dreamland mesmerized by appearances John 7:24, believing in dead letters that came by Moses the veil that must be discarded as being flesh level understanding Galatians 4:24 Psalms 78:2, Proverbs 1:6, Jew and Gentiles are symbolic, their done away with once you awake before you can see who you are one in Christ in and out Galatians 4:1, Ephesians 5:14 from within you Colossians 1:27.
How so? Where do you get your sovereign rights, your creator or man? Your under mans law if you except privileges which we all have been conditioned to partake in to some degree. The video explains how the populace gave up their unalienable rights to self governance by following men instead, not realizing that God and his kingdom is to be searched for in them Luke 17:21, 1 Corinthians 3:16, who they have rejected for some outward form of Baal worship hiding behind a multitude of labels in dreamland mesmerized by appearances John 7:24, believing in dead letters that came by Moses the veil that must be discarded as being flesh level understanding Galatians 4:24 Psalms 78:2, Proverbs 1:6, Jew and Gentiles are symbolic, their done away with once you awake before you can see who you are one in Christ in and out Galatians 4:1, Ephesians 5:14 from within you Colossians 1:27.
Better find out the difference between rights and privileges.
Well that was an hour I'll never get back. But gotta love the wackadoodles for a few end of the year laughs.
Do you believe that God gives us rights? Not man. And yet, if a man protects you because you are created by God, what then? As for Moses he is a prophet of God.
Which version of God are you referring to letter or spirit?