The Biggest European Disaster Coming:


New member
Right now, millions of Africans and Middle-Easterners are attempting to
flee horrific regimes, areas of war and famine, disease and drought,
tribal wars and ethnic 'cleansings', hoping to find peace and safety
on the Northern side of the Mediterranean Sea, namely Europe.

But what is coming for Southern Europe is the probably a series
of the biggest disasters in human history, in the form of
massive earthquakes and volcanic activity,
which will probably kill more people in these densely populated areas
than all the previous historical disasters combined.

The following map is a 'special projection',
combining the risk of earthquakes and other seismic activity,
with the actual concentration of populations.

This creates a combined view that predicts where the most people
will likely be killed, and where the most people will be left homeless,
without shelter and/or food and medical supplies, and be at risk
for further calamity:



One can at once see the startling result of combining the data:

In the West, Mexico and South America will likely suffer millions of casualties in the coming increased earthquake activity,

and in Europe another surprise: All of Southern Europe will be
the major stage for millions of horrific deaths there.

This area is the exact WRONG PLACE to flee to, in order to avoid the
coming catastrophes.

Similarly, Indonesia, the Phillipines and South Eastern China/Japan
will be high risk areas which will leave millions of dead
and unsurmountable scenes of catastrophe.

These areas are simply the worst places to be when earthquake activity
increases significantly.


New member
Several projections of recent data are available,
but they all tell a similar story, when examined carefully:


One can see plainly that the areas of lowest seismic activity and risk are in fact in North Africa itself, especially Egypt, Libya, etc.,
in spite of Africa's interesting seismic history.

The main areas of volcanic and seismic activity are on the North side of the Mediterranean Sea,
especially the Eastern end, Italy, Greece, Turkey, etc.

The wisest course for those fleeing dangerous areas inside Africa,
will not be to try very high-risk sea-crossings to Italy etc.,
but rather to stay in viable areas of trade, employment, and relative safety,
such as Northern African states and the West African coast.


New member
Right now, millions of Africans and Middle-Easterners are attempting to
flee horrific regimes, areas of war and famine, disease and drought,
tribal wars and ethnic 'cleansings', hoping to find peace and safety
on the Northern side of the Mediterranean Sea, namely Europe.

But what is coming for Southern Europe is the probably a series
of the biggest disasters in human history, in the form of
massive earthquakes and volcanic activity,
which will probably kill more people in these densely populated areas
than all the previous historical disasters combined.
What is the particular relevance of refugees here in the larger context of European populations?


New member
Naz you've made a lot of predictions on this site prior to this, have ANY turned out to be right yet?


New member



That is what is happening.


New member
Naz you've made a lot of predictions on this site prior to this, have ANY turned out to be right yet?

The only 'prediction' I'm making is the increase in frequency and severity of natural disasters,
which is simply the observation of a publicly clear and present trend.

Here, we are naturallly looking at the location for earthquake-type events
in the past, and using this data to demarcate high risk areas for the
immediate future.

That is is a legitimate use of data, and in fact all one can do with it,
without further detailed information and a scientific theory to sharpen
the specificity of the high risk zones.

Here I am using the state of knowledge that we have concerning
high risk zones to advise against large population movements INTO
those areas, which can only increase risk for everyone,
including those who think these are 'safe zones' to flee to.

It is a good deed to warn those who may be increasing their own danger
so that they may avoid jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

Do you have a better plan or strategy for minimizing danger and tragedy?


New member
What is the particular relevance of refugees here in the larger context of European populations?

Large displacements of population into high-risk zones
is a poor strategy and may be putting at risk these same populations
who would otherwise be safe where they are.

The relevance for refugees is that moving into a high-risk zone
could be a catastrophe for them, including the calculation that
disasters in these areas will heavily tax resources that appear
to be adequate without a disaster.

We have seen how quickly a situation can change on the ground,
and how difficult it can be to get help to emergency areas,
especially in hilly country or where infrastructure like roads and ports
may be severely damaged.

What looks like an attractive place to be from the point of view of
a person fleeing from a war-torn area or place of famine may
turn out to be not only a mirage, but the very act of moving large
populations into the area may increase the load on emergency resources
beyond the breaking point.


New member
Large displacements of population into high-risk zones
is a poor strategy and may be putting at risk these same populations
who would otherwise be safe where they are.

The relevance for refugees is that moving into a high-risk zone
could be a catastrophe for them, including the calculation that
disasters in these areas will heavily tax resources that appear
to be adequate without a disaster.

We have seen how quickly a situation can change on the ground,
and how difficult it can be to get help to emergency areas,
especially in hilly country or where infrastructure like roads and ports
may be severely damaged.

What looks like an attractive place to be from the point of view of
a person fleeing from a war-torn area or place of famine may
turn out to be not only a mirage, but the very act of moving large
populations into the area may increase the load on emergency resources
beyond the breaking point.
Most of these refugees intend to reach northern Europe where they often have relatives or people they know and outside of severe quake zones.
However, these people are already desperate enough to risk everything in a crossing where so many have already perished, any perceived extra risk of earthquakes occurring beyond that which history might suggest is likely, or indeed what someone looking forward to an apocalypse might predict, doesn't really amount to a hill of beans. :nono:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
thanks to the mexicans
our lady of guadalupe

we don't have to worry about what is facing europe


New member
Hall of Fame
Good " eye" . And perhaps for the world. The plausibility of a Global Caliphate is emerging.

Revelation 20:4 Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.