Please tell me, exactly where has God told us what our rights are ? If it's in the Bible, where in it ? Where has God specifically spelled out what human rights are ? Can you specify ?
And how do you know God has written them and not merely humans ? American conservatives keep telling us "our rights come from God", but I have yet to hear any of them specify any list of human rights anywhere . I'm really curious to know .
And which rights apply to which people ? So "All men are created equal ". But apparently according to a large number of Christians in America, gay people do not have equal rights . Something just does not add up here . Do women have equal rights ? Non-Christians ? Muslims? indus? Buddhists etc ?
What specifically may we do or not do ? And who exactly is to enforce these rights ? The government ? The police? The courts ? Religious leaders ? Where does God specifically state that all women who are pregnant must remain pregnant until they give birth or else ? I don't see any such statement in the Bible . Where is the Bible does it say that same sex couples may not get married ?
I know the Old Testament says some pretty nasty things about gay people , but where does it say the government may pry into people's bedrooms and have the police arrest people for not having sex the way the Bible approves of ? Of course, there was no such thing as the police in Biblical days .
Since the Bible says it's an "abomination " to eat pork and shellfish , does this mean that no American has the right to eat these things ? And so forth .
The Bible says those who work on the Sabbath must be put to death . But which day of the week should be considered the Sabbath in America ? Does this mean no one has the right to work on the Sabbath ? And if there is no such right , who is to keep track of those miscreants who are working on this holy day, arrest them and execute them ? And if the police are going to arrest people for working on the Sabbath , this means the police are working on the Sabbath ! Yikes !
Maybe we should send robots to arrest these awful people and monitor them on surveillance cameras so we won't have to execute the cops for working on the Sabbath .
I know I'm getting a little bit silly here, but i hope you get my point . But they didn't have computers, surveillance cameras and robots thousands of years ago . And do we arrest the scientists who are working on developing this technology if they work on the Sabbath ?