The Adventures of Les and Jo
Tuesday September 12th, 2006. This is show #182.
* Out of the Abortion Clinic: and into the fire! A young mother asks Jo Scott and Leslie Hanks to accompany her home from the abortion clinic.
* Steve from Kingston, Ontario: lives in C-a-n-a-d-a, for those who've studied geography in public school. Steve urges Iowans to take Bob up on his offer of a free Plot manuscript or album with any monthly pledge or subscription to help keep KGOV online for another year!
Today's Resource: Bob's life's work, our bestselling 330-page unpublished manuscript, The Plot!
Tuesday September 12th, 2006. This is show #182.
Summary:Not everyone is called by God to go and protest on the street in front of an abortion clinic but I do not believe God expects anyone to be apathetic and do nothing when children are being killed every day and quite often pretty close to where we all live.
* Out of the Abortion Clinic: and into the fire! A young mother asks Jo Scott and Leslie Hanks to accompany her home from the abortion clinic.
* Steve from Kingston, Ontario: lives in C-a-n-a-d-a, for those who've studied geography in public school. Steve urges Iowans to take Bob up on his offer of a free Plot manuscript or album with any monthly pledge or subscription to help keep KGOV online for another year!
Today's Resource: Bob's life's work, our bestselling 330-page unpublished manuscript, The Plot!