"Ted Cruz: A Very Small Man" by Don Feder

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


I thought he was a patriot. Last night, he proved he isn’t.
July 21, 2016 Don Feder http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/263584/ted-cruz-very-small-man-don-feder

I’m ashamed that I voted for Ted Cruz in the Massachusetts’ Republican Primary.

I thought he was a man of integrity. Last night he proved -- beyond a shadow of a doubt -- that he isn’t. He made a solemn pledge to support the Republican nominee. And he broke that crucial promise.

I thought he was a patriot. Last night, he proved he isn’t. However bitter and angry he is at Donald Trump, he knows that Trump is the only person standing between Hillary Clinton (a liar, a fraud, a thief and a traitor) and the presidency. And yet – after meticulously laying out the case against another 4 to 8 years of leftist tyranny -- he refused to endorse the one man who can put an end to our long national nightmare.

Cruz wasn’t driven by principle, but by ego. He can’t accept the fact that the party chose Trump over him.

Ted Cruz made the worst mistake of his political career. Millions of us will never forget or forgive his betrayal. He will never be his party’s nominee for president. He will never hold the highest office in the land.

Ted Cruz is a very small man.


Hall of Fame
:yawn: A *very small man* would be someone who would bite his tongue, play nice and lie (via endorsement) about another person's character because it was the *politically correct* thing to do. A very small man would ignore the fact that the creature running on Republican party ticket viciously attacked his family members.

I highly doubt that Cruz wants the people to endorse him who would have him ignore the vicious attacks about his wife and father.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Krauthammer: Cruz's Speech 'Was the Longest Suicide Note in US Political History'


Charles Krauthammer said that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) "blew it" at the Republican National Convention with his address in which he did not endorse Donald Trump.

"What Cruz delivered was the longest suicide note in American political history and this morning he added an addendum," said Krauthammer.

Krauthammer weighed in on America's Newsroom this morning after Cruz spoke to Texas delegates (some of them angry), doubling down on his message from last night and going even further.

Cruz explained that he is "not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father."

Krauthammer said Cruz "undid the great political, philosophical reasons he offered last night" for not endorsing Trump by making it personal.

"As of this morning, I think he's destroyed his political career right there," said Krauthammer

patrick jane

:yawn: A *very small man* would be someone who would bite his tongue, play nice and lie (via endorsement) about another person's character because it was the *politically correct* thing to do. A very small man would ignore the fact that the creature running on Republican party ticket viciously attacked his family members.

I highly doubt that Cruz wants the people to endorse him who would have him ignore the vicious attacks about his wife and father.
A good man would have declined to speak if he knew he couldn't support the nominee. Cruz is smaller than a small man, he's a grown baby -


like marbles on glass
Rusha is a pinhead. I thought she used to be okay before. I guess she drank too much KoolAid.

Sure you did... you haven't changed your tune about her since 2013. Either you have a very bad memory, or you're as delusional as your orange-colored hero.

I thought we were going to leave each other alone Mrs. Backstabber.

Like Iran and the Soviets, agreements with you cannot be trusted. You continue to be a liar, a promoter of falsehoods, a parasite on the truth, and a general pimple on the buttocks of humanity.


Hall of Fame
A good man would have declined to speak if he knew he couldn't support the nominee.

A smart man and capable leader would have NOT invited someone to speak on his behalf AFTER trashing his family members. Frankly, it's completely disingenuous for people to pretend they would have reacted differently had the proverbial shoe been on *their* foot.


Well-known member
If Cruz had endorsed, people who still support him would have been disappointed at the apparent lack of integrity. Trump fans would insult him further for caving, etc -- nothing he could have done would have pleased them. By not expressly endorsing, we see what happened. He couldn't possibly win this in any sense. Yeah, a lot of this is his own fault but he apparently decided to stand according to his own conscience and told people to vote theirs, by which you know he meant "vote against Clinton."

Not defending the man across the board because none of us are perfect. But he did stand on his own beliefs. Agree or disagree with him, he deserves credit for that. It was a gutsy move, even if seen as politically wrong.
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patrick jane

A smart man and capable leader would have NOT invited someone to speak on his behalf AFTER trashing his family members. Frankly, it's completely disingenuous for people to pretend they would have reacted differently had the proverbial shoe been on *their* foot.
That's OK - Cruz did what he wanted for his own ego and in the process he ensured that he will never be president - ever


Hall of Fame
I like anna and Rusha, they are good people and good friends

Indeed, Anna is a great friend, here and outside of TOL. While you and I may not always agree on issues, I consider you a good person who I am glad to call a friend. :)


Hall of Fame
That's OK - Cruz did what he wanted for his own ego and in the process he ensured that he will never be president - ever

It's highly likely that he won't ... however, I disagree that it was about ego. I think any reasonable person who actually values and loves their family would be out for blood (proverbially speaking) under such circumstances. It's one thing to bash a person directly, but their family should be off limits.

patrick jane

It's highly likely that he won't ... however, I disagree that it was about ego. I think any reasonable person who actually values and loves their family would be out for blood (proverbially speaking) under such circumstances. It's one thing to bash a person directly, but their family should be off limits.
Cruz has an agenda. He actually wants Trump to lose so he can try running in 4 years, he's a slick, lying, conniving, sniveling moron with a huge ego, maybe bigger than Trump's. He wants to be president and he wants to run against Hillary in 4 years, that's his plan.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Cruz has an agenda. He actually wants Trump to lose so he can try running in 4 years, he's a slick, lying, conniving, sniveling moron with a huge ego, maybe bigger than Trump's. He wants to be president and he wants to run against Hillary in 4 years, that's his plan.

All these losers want Trump to lose. Its disgusting.