Teaching the Law when no one is breaking it. What to do when they do.



Today is Chamishi, evening and morning (it is evening where I am right now, where I live here in the United States of America) are this fifth day of the week. 10-3 the tenth month the third day.

When people break the Law what is to be done? Is the Law to be taught when no one is breaking it? Does teaching the Law to transgressors of the Law help them, should they be allowed to answer for their crimes, and is there punishment where there is no knowledge of the Law? And what about grace, forgiveness, mercy, in Jesus Christ and according to the Law (what is the word for mercy?)? What did Jesus teach about forgiveness? Is the Law for when there is no forgiveness or does the Law allow for forgiveness? Are people punished according the Law when they have transgressed even if people have forgiven them?

Why are people opposed to teaching the Law when we do not want transgressors, we want knowledge of the Law so that people do not make the decision to sin, and it is better to know the Law and not sin than to not know the Law and be counted guilty by it or otherwise when the time comes to pay the penalty for the crimes, sin, transgression against God's Law, His Holy Word, His Instruction for us, we do not know, realize, or recognize that what we have done is wrong? We can go by conscience. There is right and wrong, good and evil. But we would not say we want a conscience that is not informed by the Law. There is no excuse for breaking the Law. Some people do not know the Law. It is good that the Law is able to point out sin. It can and this can be the whole person, from the mind to the heart. For those without the Law, their thoughts are alternately accusing or else defending them. So there is right and wrong that they know. Who is the truly evil person? It is not that the Law would not be able to reach that person. But it takes people to present the truth of God's Law to each and every person, to live exemplary lives, and to positively influence others, influence them for the good, and teach them to love God and others the way God wants them to. Now we can help those who need it most. Love God and others by teaching others, according to the Law or in ways that you have been informed by God that you should that are not contrary to the Law, to do the same. Don't be without the Law. Teach and preach the truth, the gospel of salvation to others. Encourage others to repent and have faith in God and Jesus, obeying God and His commandments, obeying Jesus.

Should anything be done when people break the Law? If so, what? What should be done? What does the Law say? And, is anyone to be punished according to the Law? The Law includes or involves punishment. Is the Law for today? How is it used to lead people to Christ? And, does obeying Jesus include obeying the Law? Must or should we keep and teach the commandments, even if there are punishments for not observing them?




Well-known member
Reconciled mind see's only good Like the Divine mind Gen 1:31, because the law will repay thoughts you have against another when you play in the good and evil game, the divided mind will regret what it creates through wrong thoughts Gen 6:6.
Seeing through the Divine Mind eliminates sin from effecting your thoughts from worshipping the letter manifested in time where you live a life time controlled by past figurines Galatians 4:24 depicted in time, when you are a timeless being I AM! dont label it, only then is the burden of judgment by appearances lifted off ones shoulders, Eph 5:14. by entering the kingdom/mind/conscience awareness you become aware that this life is a simulation of the mind separated from its Divine Source Luke 17:20-21.


Reconciled mind see's only good Like the Divine mind Gen 1:31, because the law will repay thoughts you have against another when you play in the good and evil game, the divided mind will regret what it creates through wrong thoughts Gen 6:6.
Seeing through the Divine Mind eliminates sin from effecting your thoughts from worshipping the letter manifested in time where you live a life time controlled by past figurines Galatians 4:24 depicted in time, when you are a timeless being I AM! dont label it, only then is the burden of judgment by appearances lifted off ones shoulders, Eph 5:14. by entering the kingdom/mind/conscience awareness you become aware that this life is a simulation of the mind separated from its Divine Source Luke 17:20-21.


Boker Tov! Good morning! Today is Chamishi, the fifth day of the week. It is 10-3. It is day, yom.

I do not know how to help you with what you are sharing. Hopefully you can separate between your thoughts and what the Scriptures say, to be informed by them and change what your thinking or thoughts are. You need the truth, the truth from and about God. God is the God of truth. His Word is the Word of truth. Simply accept God's Word for what it is.




Well-known member

Boker Tov! Good morning! Today is Chamishi, the fifth day of the week. It is 10-3. It is day, yom.

I do not know how to help you with what you are sharing. Hopefully you can separate between your thoughts and what the Scriptures say, to be informed by them and change what your thinking or thoughts are. You need the truth, the truth from and about God. God is the God of truth. His Word is the Word of truth. Simply accept God's Word for what it is.



No its the day of salvation like every day in Eternity, no beginning or end to be found there Jacob.