Summary of 40-page PBA Ruling

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Summary of 40-page PBA Ruling

This is the show from Friday April 27th, 2007.


* Bob's Summary for CRTL: is online and getting a lot of attention. Consider reading this devastating summary, and ask God for discretion as to the best way that you can promote this online, via posting it, or links to it, or email it to others.

* p. 17 III (A): ...the Act's definition of partial-birth abortion requires the fetus to be delivered "until... in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother."

* p. 18 III (A): If a living fetus is delivered past the critical point by accident or inadvertence, the Act is inapplicable. crime has occurred.

* Leaders and Ministries Celebrating the Ruling
National Right to Life: "applauds... ruling"
Americans United for Life: "praises ruling"
Family Research Council: "Court no longer endorses... killing of innocent, partially-born babies"
Priests for Life: "we are grateful"
Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America: "Court votes to protect babies from painful abortion"
Paul Schenck of D.C.'s National Pro-Life Action Center: "the Court... has begun to right a terrible wrong"
Troy Newman of Operation Rescue: "celebrates the... ruling... and hails the victory"
The Christian Coalition: "commends the five justices"
American Family Association Gregory Rummo article: "reason has prevailed"
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: "welcomes [the] decision"
Beverly LaHaye, founder CWA: "justice was served"
D. James Kennedy's Center for Reclaiming America: "good news for unborn children... enormously good news"
Jay Sekulow of American Center for Law & Justice: "happy to report... a significant victory"
Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family: "We thank God for this victory that affirms the value of human life"

* Leaders and Ministries Condemning the Ruling
Ambassador Alan Keyes
American Life League and president Judie Brown
Editor Jim Rudd of
Operation Save America / Operation Rescue and director Flip Benham
John Archibald, founding board member, National Right to Life, Americans United for Life
Dr. Charles Rice, Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Notre Dame
Editor John Lofton of The American View
Calvary Chapel South Denver pastor Gino Geraci
Ken & Jo Scott of ProLife Colorado
Crossroad Baptist Church pastor Chuck Baldwin
Colorado Right To Life and president Brian Rohrbough
(Other ministries wishing to be added to the list condemning the ruling, please email your contact information.)

* "Find... Less Shocking Methods": The justices of the 5-to-4 majority, all of whom were appointed by Ronald Reagan, George Bush, or George W. Bush, namely, Kennedy, Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito, rendered a ruling that has no moral component whatsoever and is merely regulatory. On page 30 at Section IV (A), these men optimistically suggest that, "The medical profession, furthermore, may find different and less shocking methods to abort the fetus in the second trimester, thereby accommodating legislative demand."

Today's Resource: Please sign the CRTL pledge titled 40 Years / 50 Million Dead / 1 Commitment!

Bob Enyart

Staff member
This Chuck Baldwin article is encouraging...

This Chuck Baldwin article is encouraging...

Chuck Baldwin's article appeared at:, &, etc.

On The Partial Birth Abortion Ruling
April 27, 2007 02:46 PM EST

... Troy Newman, leader of Operation Rescue, said the decision was "another in a string of recent victories for the pro-life movement." He went on to say, "This is the first legal crack in the crumbling Roe v Wade foundation, and is the first, necessary step toward banning the horrific practice of abortion in this nation."​
In a press release, the Christian Coalition of America said, "With today's Supreme Court decision, it is just a matter of time before the infamous Roe v Wade decision in 1973 will also be struck down by the court."​
...I only wish I could be as enthusiastic about the Court's PBA decision as the others... I certainly do not believe this is the beginning of the end for abortion on demand in America. Actually, I fear that this decision serves only to further augment abortion on demand...​
At this point, it would be very helpful for everyone in the pro-life community, including those from groups mentioned above, to read Pastor Bob Enyart's excellent analysis of this ruling. Go here
Pastor Enyart points out that not only does the Partial Birth Abortion ban not stop any legal abortions, it does not even stop all Partial Birth Abortions. In his lengthy review of the Court's ruling, he notes that even a Partial Birth Abortion may be performed as long as the baby has not been delivered past its navel.​
You read it right. This ruling authorizes the abortionist to take the baby out of the mother's womb up to the point where the baby's navel is visible and still perform his dastardly work of killing the baby. And there is more.​
The bill even authorizes the abortionist to kill the partially-delivered baby if the baby has been delivered past its navel, if the baby passed the "critical point by accident or inadvertence." (p. 18 III, A)​
Thank you Pastor Baldwin for fighting!

-Bob Enyart


Which ruling is worse: Roe v Wade from 34 years ago, under the invented "privacy clause"; or the Partial Birth Abortion Ban ruling under the commerce {Sales of goods and services} clause 34 years later?

We have degraded from at least speaking about human rights, a woman's supposed right to privacy, versus the babies rights to life; to a mere "business" transaction, in the eyes of the black robed elitists!


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[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]Here is a collection of many misguided quotes from pro-life, evangelical and supposed right wing leaders.[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"The court today has begun to right a terrible wrong,...Partial-birth abortions, as testimony in the lower courts showed – and oral argument in the Supreme Court affirmed – is equivalent to infanticide. It includes the nearly full delivery and near-decapitation of the living child...In upholding the will of the people in this matter, the majority has laid the first blow to Roe v. Wade and its putrefying spawn," ~Paul Schenck, executive director of the National Pro-life Action Center on Capitol Hill.[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"first legal crack in the crumbling Roe v. Wade foundation...Along with the pro-life position now affirmed by the decision, political ramifications will result"[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"What this shows is that there's been a RETURN to the Constitution. This is a return to what the framers of the Constitution meant. They never granted a right for a woman to take the life of her baby, let alone in such a gruesome procedure." [/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]~Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"We are grateful to God today that moral sense has prevailed at the court,...This has been a long time coming and shows great promise for the future. Make no mistake, this is the beginning of the end for Roe v. Wade." ~Rev. Rob Schenck, president of the National Clergy Council[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"This is a monumental victory for the preservation of human life,"[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"By rejecting the lawsuits challenging the national ban, the high court demonstrated that this gruesome procedure has no place in the medical community,"[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"This decision represents an important shift in the ongoing battle to protect human life and represents a very significant pro-life victory in the abortion debate." ~Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"We are grateful to all who worked so hard to pass this law and to educate the public about this unspeakably violent procedure," ~Fr. Frank Pavone, of Priests for Life[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"With today's Supreme Court decision, it is just a matter of time before the infamous Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 will also be struck down by the court," ~Roberta Combs, president of the Christian Coalition[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"Planned Parenthood and abortionists like George Tiller of Wichita must be weeping over this decision. They have made millions off this grisly procedure,"[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"Unborn babies have won the right not to be slaughtered by having their brains sucked out of their heads in a partial-birth abortion." ~Andrea Lafferty, executive director of the Traditional Values Coalition[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"Roe is no longer the dictator over the Supreme Court. This is a landmark ruling that slams the brakes on infanticide and the devaluing of human life. Partial Birth Abortion is a perverse practice that dresses up infanticide with a technicality," ~Rev. James Tonkowich, with the Institute on Religion and Democracy[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"The decision gives states a green light to pass this and other prohibitions on partial-birth abortion that are carefully drafted. Today's decision gives us guidelines, and should encourage states to utilize what is left of the 2007 legislative session to pass more commons-sense pro-life laws," ~Clarke Forsythe, of Americans United for Life[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]U.S. Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, who authored the 2003 legislation, said he's glad to see the end to partial-birth abortions. (WHAT?????????)[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"When drafting this legislation we were confident that it would withstand constitutional scrutiny and today's ruling confirms that belief," ~U.S. Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]"Although America still allows the killing of innocent children for convenience, this decision will begin to restore the humanity of unborn children in the eyes of the law." ~Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]“We thank God that the Supreme Court has affirmed the value of human life by banning the Nazi-esque barbarism that is partial-birth abortion. A majority of justices have recognized what most Americans have long known: there is no constitutional right to slay a healthy, nearly-born baby by stabbing it in the back of the head and vacuuming out its brains – all without even anesthetizing the child," ~James Dobson, chairman of Focus on the Family[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]“I am glad the Supreme Court decided to support the culture of life and reject the culture of death that is spreading across this nation.” ~Edward L. White III, trial counsel with the Thomas More Law Center[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]These quotes were all taken from the article released at worldnetdaily. [/FONT]
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