Summary of 40-page PBA Ruling
This is the show from Friday April 27th, 2007.
* Bob's Summary for CRTL: is online and getting a lot of attention. Consider reading this devastating summary, and ask God for discretion as to the best way that you can promote this online, via posting it, or links to it, or email it to others.
* p. 17 III (A): ...the Act's definition of partial-birth abortion requires the fetus to be delivered "until... in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother."
* p. 18 III (A): If a living fetus is delivered past the critical point by accident or inadvertence, the Act is inapplicable. crime has occurred.
* Leaders and Ministries Celebrating the Ruling
National Right to Life: "applauds... ruling"
Americans United for Life: "praises ruling"
Family Research Council: "Court no longer endorses... killing of innocent, partially-born babies"
Priests for Life: "we are grateful"
Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America: "Court votes to protect babies from painful abortion"
Paul Schenck of D.C.'s National Pro-Life Action Center: "the Court... has begun to right a terrible wrong"
Troy Newman of Operation Rescue: "celebrates the... ruling... and hails the victory"
The Christian Coalition: "commends the five justices"
American Family Association Gregory Rummo article: "reason has prevailed"
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: "welcomes [the] decision"
Beverly LaHaye, founder CWA: "justice was served"
D. James Kennedy's Center for Reclaiming America: "good news for unborn children... enormously good news"
Jay Sekulow of American Center for Law & Justice: "happy to report... a significant victory"
Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family: "We thank God for this victory that affirms the value of human life"
* Leaders and Ministries Condemning the Ruling
Ambassador Alan Keyes
American Life League and president Judie Brown
Editor Jim Rudd of
Operation Save America / Operation Rescue and director Flip Benham
John Archibald, founding board member, National Right to Life, Americans United for Life
Dr. Charles Rice, Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Notre Dame
Editor John Lofton of The American View
Calvary Chapel South Denver pastor Gino Geraci
Ken & Jo Scott of ProLife Colorado
Crossroad Baptist Church pastor Chuck Baldwin
Colorado Right To Life and president Brian Rohrbough
(Other ministries wishing to be added to the list condemning the ruling, please email your contact information.)
* "Find... Less Shocking Methods": The justices of the 5-to-4 majority, all of whom were appointed by Ronald Reagan, George Bush, or George W. Bush, namely, Kennedy, Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito, rendered a ruling that has no moral component whatsoever and is merely regulatory. On page 30 at Section IV (A), these men optimistically suggest that, "The medical profession, furthermore, may find different and less shocking methods to abort the fetus in the second trimester, thereby accommodating legislative demand."
Today's Resource: Please sign the CRTL pledge titled 40 Years / 50 Million Dead / 1 Commitment!
This is the show from Friday April 27th, 2007.
* Bob's Summary for CRTL: is online and getting a lot of attention. Consider reading this devastating summary, and ask God for discretion as to the best way that you can promote this online, via posting it, or links to it, or email it to others.
* p. 17 III (A): ...the Act's definition of partial-birth abortion requires the fetus to be delivered "until... in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother."
* p. 18 III (A): If a living fetus is delivered past the critical point by accident or inadvertence, the Act is inapplicable. crime has occurred.
* Leaders and Ministries Celebrating the Ruling
National Right to Life: "applauds... ruling"
Americans United for Life: "praises ruling"
Family Research Council: "Court no longer endorses... killing of innocent, partially-born babies"
Priests for Life: "we are grateful"
Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America: "Court votes to protect babies from painful abortion"
Paul Schenck of D.C.'s National Pro-Life Action Center: "the Court... has begun to right a terrible wrong"
Troy Newman of Operation Rescue: "celebrates the... ruling... and hails the victory"
The Christian Coalition: "commends the five justices"
American Family Association Gregory Rummo article: "reason has prevailed"
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: "welcomes [the] decision"
Beverly LaHaye, founder CWA: "justice was served"
D. James Kennedy's Center for Reclaiming America: "good news for unborn children... enormously good news"
Jay Sekulow of American Center for Law & Justice: "happy to report... a significant victory"
Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family: "We thank God for this victory that affirms the value of human life"
* Leaders and Ministries Condemning the Ruling
Ambassador Alan Keyes
American Life League and president Judie Brown
Editor Jim Rudd of
Operation Save America / Operation Rescue and director Flip Benham
John Archibald, founding board member, National Right to Life, Americans United for Life
Dr. Charles Rice, Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Notre Dame
Editor John Lofton of The American View
Calvary Chapel South Denver pastor Gino Geraci
Ken & Jo Scott of ProLife Colorado
Crossroad Baptist Church pastor Chuck Baldwin
Colorado Right To Life and president Brian Rohrbough
(Other ministries wishing to be added to the list condemning the ruling, please email your contact information.)
* "Find... Less Shocking Methods": The justices of the 5-to-4 majority, all of whom were appointed by Ronald Reagan, George Bush, or George W. Bush, namely, Kennedy, Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito, rendered a ruling that has no moral component whatsoever and is merely regulatory. On page 30 at Section IV (A), these men optimistically suggest that, "The medical profession, furthermore, may find different and less shocking methods to abort the fetus in the second trimester, thereby accommodating legislative demand."
Today's Resource: Please sign the CRTL pledge titled 40 Years / 50 Million Dead / 1 Commitment!