I did. I learned, in hindsight, how best to judge everybody on every little thing. It was quite a trip.
And I didn't learn about forgiveness from studying Torah.
IF you interpret Torah through the Testimony of Yeshua then Torah will teach you to judge yourself and the "members" of your own household, (it is all given in allegorical language). For instance if the wife of your bosom, that is, your inner wife, or your friend who is like unto your own soul, entice you secretly, like a dreamer of dreams, to go and serve other gods; then you shall cut them off from your midst and stone them with stones that they die, (Deuteronomy 13:6-11). This is not a physical person such as a wife or a physical human being who might be your friend in the natural world, but rather these are unseen entities, (in the Gospel accounts called demons or devils). You are to show such creatures and their doctines no mercy because they will cause you to become separated from your heavenly Father. If your right hand offends you, cut her off, and cast her from you! Chop! Chop! :chuckle:
It is all about judging ourselves and our own "members" of our own households; for every man is a house, and the enemies of a man shall be those of his own household in the doctrine of Messiah, (Matthew 10:35-36 quoting Micah 7:5-6). Therefore MORTIFY your members which are upon your own earth, (for every man is likewise the Land and the eyes of YHWH are always upon His Land, and when we enter into Yeshua faithfulness we are no longer our own). And, as Paul says again elsewhere, "MORTIFY the deeds of the body", (see Romans 8:13 KJV, Colossians 3:5 KJV for the two quotes above). One who does these things according to the Testimony of Yeshua is the one "uses the Law lawfully", (against himself or herself) as Paul mentions in 1 Timothy 1:8.
OP ~ Such things I learn from Torah in the Light of the Testimony of Yeshua.