Strange thing yesterday


Well-known member
Salvation Army had a storewide half off sale so I took the girls. We got there about 10 minutes before the doors opened. Several people were there ahead of us.

Just before we walked up, a middle-aged woman and her elderly mother arrived as well. The daughter pushed her way up to the doors, ahead of people already in line, to "just look" through the glass. Then she stayed there for the remaining minutes until the door opened.

When the door opened, other people who has been standing there long before she pulled up were not about to let this slide. They wordlessly reasserted their places in front and got in first.

I watched her once she got inside the door. She literally ran to grab something and waved it over her head and grinned in victory at Mama. Okay fine, I guess that's what these sales are all about.

Here's the odd thing. The whole time she was cutting in line, she kept chattering to her mother and anyone else who would listen about how blessed everyone was to be there, what a lovely morning, praise Jesus this, praise Jesus was near constant. There is no doubt that everyone who saw what she tried to do thought she was a jackass.

The only thing I can figure is is that she took "the last shall be first" very literally as an excuse to cut because Jesus blessed the cutters. Other than that, I can't figure what motivates such people.

We walked out with a teddy bear and doll clothes, in case you were wondering.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
Salvation Army had a storewide half off sale so I took the girls. We got there about 10 minutes before the doors opened. Several people were there ahead of us.

Just before we walked up, a middle-aged woman and her elderly mother arrived as well. The daughter pushed her way up to the doors, ahead of people already in line, to "just look" through the glass. Then she stayed there for the remaining minutes until the door opened.

When the door opened, other people who has been standing there long before she pulled up were not about to let this slide. They wordlessly reasserted their places in front and got in first.

I watched her once she got inside the door. She literally ran to grab something and waved it over her head and grinned in victory at Mama. Okay fine, I guess that's what these sales are all about.

Here's the odd thing. The whole time she was cutting in line, she kept chattering to her mother and anyone else who would listen about how blessed everyone was to be there, what a lovely morning, praise Jesus this, praise Jesus was near constant. There is no doubt that everyone who saw what she tried to do thought she was a jackass.

The only thing I can figure is is that she took "the last shall be first" very literally as an excuse to cut because Jesus blessed the cutters. Other than that, I can't figure what motivates such people.

We walked out with a teddy bear and doll clothes, in case you were wondering.

A great example of actions not representing the lips, and how destruactive it can be. Imagine what the Christ skeptics were thinking.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
when i encounter people like that, I pray for their deliverance from whatever's afflicting them

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
then i give nick their home address so he can beat them ** :banana:

** don't tell artie


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It was rude but let's have some perspective.
If someone is showing up before opening at the Thrift Store half off sale then they must be in some dire straits. If she couldn't afford the $3.00 regular price and came back when it was $1.50 I'd say she's doing worse than most folks.

Deut 24:19
When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.

I shop at the Thrift store because I'm thrifty, not because I'm poor. If I had something in my hand and someone who really is poor wanted it I would give it up gladly. Because I have money and can go by a brand new one if I really wanted it.


Well-known member
It was rude but let's have some perspective.
If someone is showing up before opening at the Thrift Store half off sale then they must be in some dire straits. If she couldn't afford the $3.00 regular price and came back when it was $1.50 I'd say she's doing worse than most folks.

Deut 24:19.

I saw her car and her jewelry and eyewear and general quality of her makeup and clothing. Nicer than mine in all respects (excluding makeup and jewelry). Not complaining, just a fact. Nothing remotely shabby about her or her mother.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I saw her car and her jewelry and eyewear and general quality of her makeup and clothing. Nicer than mine in all respects (excluding makeup and jewelry). Not complaining, just a fact. Nothing remotely shabby about her or her mother.

Oh, well in that case stab her with a fork.


Well-known member
Bad idea. The spandex might have split and ruptured like the Hindenburg.

Actually she was extremely well built for middle aged woman, and clearly knew it...petite, yoga knee pants, tight tank top, that sort of thing. A brick house, to tell the truth. Mentioning it only because it made the whole thing even more incongruous.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Bad idea. The spandex might have split and ruptured like the Hindenburg.

Actually she was extremely well built for middle aged woman, and clearly knew it...petite, yoga knee pants, tight tank top, that sort of thing. A brick house, to tell the truth. Mentioning it only because it made the whole thing even more incongruous.

Some people are rude and don't know it.
Some do and don't care.


Well-known member
I am far from perfect in my walk and life but I'm not rude enough to wear a Speedo while praising Jesus to the people I'm trying to cut in front of at Golden Corral. THAT will get you forked quick.


Well-known member
Although if I ever do try it, I'll be sure to give them my Kenneth Copeland shark eyes so they leave me alone.


"You, at the chocolate fountain. Lookit muh Speedo. LOOKIT IT!"


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I am far from perfect in my walk and life but I'm not rude enough to wear a Speedo while praising Jesus to the people I'm trying to cut in front of at Golden Corral. THAT will get you forked quick.

If I had to pick a restaurant from which I least wanted to see regular patron wearing a Speedo Golden Corral would be pretty high on the list.