Stormy Daniels, the tip of the iceberg?

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She was a porn star.
And she had sex with married men.
Perversion plain and simple.

But YOU don't have any problem with perversion going on between "consenting adults".


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All you want to do is condemn Trump for anything and everything, even the things you have no problem with others doing.

The Barbarian

She was a porn star.
And she had sex with married men.
Perversion plain and simple.

Yep. And it's disgusting and repulsive that Trump does this kind of thing. It's contemptable, albeit not illegal. But YOU don't have any problem with perversion going on between Trump and anything else.

All you want to do is excuse Trump for anything and everything, even the things you want to jail other people for doing.

You're a sicko.


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She's pervert.
But she's a consensual adult pervert, so you don't have a problem with it and don't want there to be any punishment for it.

Be a married man and have sex with porn star that is not your wife .........

Be a porn star and have sex with someone else's husband ......


Stormy Daniels, the tip of the iceberg?

Only in "Trumpland" could you have a setting President suing a porn star for $20 million for violating her nondisclosure agreement, despite the fact that he continues to deny that he participated in an inappropriate "relationship!"

Only in "Trumpland" could you have a sitting President operate under the legal alias "David Dennison" - the name that appeared unsigned on the $130000 nondisclosure agreement and the $20 million lawsuit designed to silence her!
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The Barbarian

She's pervert.

So is Trump, but you don't have a problem with it and don't want there to be any punishment for him, even though you want to punish others for it.

Trump is a married man and has sex with porn stars not his wife. But you're fine with that.

Grosnick Marowbe

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She was a porn star.
And she had sex with married men.
Perversion plain and simple.

But YOU don't have any problem with perversion going on between "consenting adults".

Barb, has his OWN set of rules he lives by. His 'rules' sound hypocritical and even childish, however, he's found a way to feel comfortable in this world by traveling down his own path. Folks with a more refined outlook on laws and rules, may not do well with Barb's way of looking at things, however, at least he feels a modicum of NORMALCY when he follows his personal rules, regulations, and laws.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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In 'Barb's World' if a person, such as Trump did something wrong a decade or so ago, there's no chance they may have changed over the years and are living a different life now. In Barb's mind, 'Barb is a saintly man' who would NEVER think, say or do anything wrong. Barb has a one-track mind that can ONLY focus on Donald J. Trump.


She was a porn star.
And she had sex with married men.
Perversion plain and simple.

But YOU don't have any problem with perversion going on between "consenting adults".

Then I guess you dont have a problem with Trump's particular perversions. My how Christians now support the ends justifying the means.


In 'Barb's World' if a person, such as Trump did something wrong a decade or so ago, there's no chance they may have changed over the years and are living a different life now. In Barb's mind, 'Barb is a saintly man' who would NEVER think, say or do anything wrong. Barb has a one-track mind that can ONLY focus on Donald J. Trump.

Trump changing? A joke right?

The Barbarian

Barb, has his OWN set of rules he lives by.

Sorry, can't claim them as my own. I got them here:


Specifically, "Thou shalt not commit adultery."

Yes, I know you guys follow Trump instead, and he says that adultery is not a sin. But I'll go with the Book, instead.

Folks with a more refined outlook on laws and rules, may not do well with Barb's way of looking at things...

You can keep your "refined" morals. I'll go with the old-fashioned way.

Yes, we know you claim to follow the Bible, but clearly, your 'rules' are flexible enough to give Trump a pass on his perversions. Your rules sound hypocritical and even childish, however, you've found a way to feel comfortable in this world by traveling down Trump's path.

I'm sure you're too "refined" to consider adultery a sin, as Trump does. I'll still consider adultery a sin.

Folks with a more refined outlook on laws and rules, may not do well with Barb's way of looking at things

At judgement, Grosnik will tell God that He just isn't "refined" enough to understand why adultery is O.K.



In 'Barb's World' if a person, such as Trump did something wrong a decade or so ago, there's no chance they may have changed over the years and are living a different life now. In Barb's mind, 'Barb is a saintly man' who would NEVER think, say or do anything wrong. Barb has a one-track mind that can ONLY focus on Donald J. Trump.
phi·lan·der·er (/fəˈlandərər/)

1. a man who readily or frequently enters into casual sexual relationships with women; a womanizer:
"he was known as a philanderer"

womanizer, Casanova, Don Juan, Lothario, flirt, ... more
Apparently "Grosnick Marowbe" has no problem making excuses for a sitting President who uses "aliases" to have his lawyer write a $130000 check 2 weeks before the 2016 Election to silence porn stars!

Apparently "Grosnick Marowbe" thinks its acting "presidential," when a sitting President sues a porn star for $20 million for violating a nondisclosure agreement that he never signed!

Apparently "Grosnick Marowbe" thinks his Christian values can support a President who is attempting to change his legal venue to a federal court which he considers o be nothing more that an extension of the White House where he can use his political influence to manipulate the decision because he appoints the judges!


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Then I guess you dont have a problem with Trump's particular perversions. My how Christians now support the ends justifying the means.
Blind as a bat, you are, if you think I don't want adultery to be a punishable crime by law.
Would you vote for such a law?
I would.
So it is not me that doesn't have a problem with it.
Would you vote for such a law?
Tell us.
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