Steve Deace Goes National
This is the show from Thursday August 25th, 2011.
* Bob Enyart and Gregg Jackson Interview Iowa's #1 Host: Steve Deace has been syndicated onto radio stations around the country! Steve is interviewed about his show and about the current Republican presidential nomination candidates by Bob Enyart and BEL guest co-host Gregg Jackson (who emceed the 2007 and 2008 CPAC presidential candidates sessions and authored the best-selling Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies, and has co-authored with Steve Deace the upcoming blockbuster expose of the religious right industry: We Won't Get Fooled Again).
* Enyart, Jackson, and Deace Regroup for Special Airing of Coulter Video: These three talk show hosts appear along with Florida's Bill Keller in American RTL's Ann Coulter Hang-ups YouTube video which now has over 48,000 views.
Today’s Resource: Have you browsed through the Department of Government in the KGOV Store? Check out especially our best-selling DVD on God and the Death Penalty titled The New Testament Support for Capital Punishment, and God's Criminal Justice System MP3 CD, instant download, or the GCJS printed syllabus.
This is the show from Thursday August 25th, 2011.
* Bob Enyart and Gregg Jackson Interview Iowa's #1 Host: Steve Deace has been syndicated onto radio stations around the country! Steve is interviewed about his show and about the current Republican presidential nomination candidates by Bob Enyart and BEL guest co-host Gregg Jackson (who emceed the 2007 and 2008 CPAC presidential candidates sessions and authored the best-selling Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies, and has co-authored with Steve Deace the upcoming blockbuster expose of the religious right industry: We Won't Get Fooled Again).
* Enyart, Jackson, and Deace Regroup for Special Airing of Coulter Video: These three talk show hosts appear along with Florida's Bill Keller in American RTL's Ann Coulter Hang-ups YouTube video which now has over 48,000 views.
Today’s Resource: Have you browsed through the Department of Government in the KGOV Store? Check out especially our best-selling DVD on God and the Death Penalty titled The New Testament Support for Capital Punishment, and God's Criminal Justice System MP3 CD, instant download, or the GCJS printed syllabus.