Stage 3: Homo-fascism in the news


New member
Of course there will be more. Now that SCOTUS has ruled in their favor, they will punish all who were not on their side. As you say, it was predicted.

Jose Fly

New member
I love the start of that second article..."At least two outspoken homosexual advocates..." Oh no! Two people! It must be just around the corner!

Can you imagine if regular people freaked out this way every time more than one person called for some sort of political change?

"I saw where three people want Texas to secede from the US. IT MUST BE JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!!"


Jose Fly

New member
Myself what? Are you saying I support revoking the tax exempt status of churches that don't perform gay marriages?

Jose Fly

New member
No, but you said "yourself, for example", which I still don't know what it referred to.

That's why I asked (note the question mark).