Some very spiritual posts ?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
It is the practice of a few to fill their posts with scriptures and no comments or applications. Yes, the scriptures are the inspired Word of God. However simply quoting scriptures without accompanying comments, applications or argument is not an inspired practice. If it was an inspired practice then sermons would be reading scriptures aloud and nothing else. How boring! How non edifying! It is just proof texting! Who can understand what you mean when you simply quote scripture and add no comments, applications or explanations. It is not a 'super' spiritual practice. It may be laziness. It may show a lack of real understanding. It certainly does not indicate a 'high degree of spirituality'.

I agree 10,000%

People who simply quote scripture without comment are a waste of bandwidth. If naked scripture where sufficient, apart from the rationally sound analysis and wise discernment needed to understand and consistently apply it, then this site would not exist in the first place because there would be no dispute possible. If someone was in error, a simple quotation of a passage of scripture would remedy the issue and that would be it. In fact, generally speaking, it really isn't the scripture itself that anyone debates, it is whether or not one's understanding of the scripture is correct that is up for debate. That's why the website is called THEOLOGY Online, not "Quote the Bible Online".

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It is the practice of a few to fill their posts with scriptures and no comments or applications. Yes, the scriptures are the inspired Word of God. However simply quoting scriptures without accompanying comments, applications or argument is not an inspired practice. If it was an inspired practice then sermons would be reading scriptures aloud and nothing else. How boring! How non edifying! It is just proof texting! Who can understand what you mean when you simply quote scripture and add no comments, applications or explanations. It is not a 'super' spiritual practice. It may be laziness. It may show a lack of real understanding. It certainly does not indicate a 'high degree of spirituality'.

Squeaky stands guilty of that. He's the number one offender.