Well-known member
We know that there are some good folks in the GOP, Rusha. A fair % of them risked their careers in the impeachment verdict.That would be it. The GOP is now as corrupt as their master. trump. They know he lost the election and did everything he could do to overthrow the will of the MAJORITY of Americans, including inciting the riot. His only regret is that his desired outcome failed and there wasn’t a higher body count.
At this point, the GOP are willing accomplices to trump and his violent gang of red hatters.
I guess over 485K deaths due to his intentional mishandling of the virus did not quench his bloodlust...
As for Covid, we have lost more lives per million than you have and I think that we did our best even though I don't vote for Boris. There were no experts and there have been no winners in the race to beat beat Covid.
And, Yes........ I think the trial had great value because so many countries in the World look up to America as the base for Western freedoms. Some members here don't get why foreigners take interest in your politics, but the world does.