Soft-tissue T-Rex Makes the Journal
This is the show from Friday August 24th 2007.
* Wall Street Journal: the Wall Street Journal, in a front page article about soft-tissue t-Rex finds, wants its readers to believe that the soft tissue laid around in Montana sandstone for 68 million years without decomposing or becoming mineralized. Go figure. Some day, perhaps Jack Horner will succumb to our pressure to Carbon-14 date one of his soft-tissue t-Rex finds! What ARE these flat-earthers a... er, ahh, old-earthers, afraid of?
Today's Resource: Have you seen the Science Department at our KGOV Store? Check out Bob's Age of the Earth Debate, Walt Brown's In the Beginning, Jonathan Park's The Adventure Begins , Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet, Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life, and Bob's interviews with a great MIT scientist, Walt Brown Week!
This is the show from Friday August 24th 2007.
* Wall Street Journal: the Wall Street Journal, in a front page article about soft-tissue t-Rex finds, wants its readers to believe that the soft tissue laid around in Montana sandstone for 68 million years without decomposing or becoming mineralized. Go figure. Some day, perhaps Jack Horner will succumb to our pressure to Carbon-14 date one of his soft-tissue t-Rex finds! What ARE these flat-earthers a... er, ahh, old-earthers, afraid of?
Today's Resource: Have you seen the Science Department at our KGOV Store? Check out Bob's Age of the Earth Debate, Walt Brown's In the Beginning, Jonathan Park's The Adventure Begins , Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet, Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life, and Bob's interviews with a great MIT scientist, Walt Brown Week!