TOL Subscriber
There is nothing new under the sun . . .
Back in the early days of the 2nd century church, Gnosticism manifested with many faces; one of which was the teachings of a false teacher by the name of Marcion, in Rome.
This Gnostic also denied the spiritual import of the O.T. Scriptures which were fulfilled in the Incarnation of Christ; whose revelations of Godly Truth, Marcion favored less than the teachings of Paul.
His, and his followers' beliefs were very similar to MAD beliefs, but the early church condemned this wrong view as heretical. (This link posted, despite the author's desire to attributer Marcionism to Reformers, which is just plain silly.)
Back in the early days of the 2nd century church, Gnosticism manifested with many faces; one of which was the teachings of a false teacher by the name of Marcion, in Rome.
This Gnostic also denied the spiritual import of the O.T. Scriptures which were fulfilled in the Incarnation of Christ; whose revelations of Godly Truth, Marcion favored less than the teachings of Paul.
His, and his followers' beliefs were very similar to MAD beliefs, but the early church condemned this wrong view as heretical. (This link posted, despite the author's desire to attributer Marcionism to Reformers, which is just plain silly.)