Shoot Joran Van Der Sloot

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Shoot Joran Van Der Sloot

This is the show from Wednesday June 9th, 2010.

The government says, "We want to demonstrate that the Bible is barbaric by being nicer than the commands in the Bible. So we are not going to execute kidnappers and murderers. We would rather see an epidemic of kidnapping and murder than to put to death a convicted kidnapper or a convicted murderer. We'd rather see an epidemic."


* Aruba Court's Negligence Leads to Murder in Peru: Joran Van Der Sloot basically confessed on video to Natalee Holloway's murder, with caveats of course (she had a seizure while they were having sex on the beach, and he called for help to dump her body in the sea, etc.) The court in Aruba that refused to accept the video-taped evidence from Holland has committed gross negligence and shares in the guilt of the killing of the new victim, Stephany Flores. Bob also discusses the biblical requirement for the death penalty, the fact that many nations abolished the execution of guilty murderers within a few years of decriminalizing abortion, the execution of innocent babies in the womb. And Bob talks to Dave from Denver about the priority of thoughts over actions.

Personhood is the most important human rights movement of your lifetime. Will you be one who fights to end the systematic dehumanization and murder of an entire class of citizen? Or will you stay in your comfort zone? If you live in any state in America, you can advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways. If you live in Colorado join by calling or e-mailing Personhood Colorado or Colorado Right to Life.

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