During Obama's presidency the DOJ, Rod Rosenstien in particular, hacked Sharyl Attkisson's laptops at work and at home because of her persistently aggressive reporting on the Fast and Furious scandal. She filed a lawsuit a couple of years ago and the judge threw it out of court because she didn't name specific people to go after. Now a whistleblower has come forward and told her who was responsible for this outrage so she has refiled her lawsuit.
The nasty games played by the DOJ and it's attorneys ought to outrage every American, for if they can do this to a high profile reporter and cover it up what chance does a person without her visibility have against government spying?
This shows how deep the corruption is in the Democrat party and how little respect Democrats have for the people of this country.
The rest of the article can be found here.
The nasty games played by the DOJ and it's attorneys ought to outrage every American, for if they can do this to a high profile reporter and cover it up what chance does a person without her visibility have against government spying?
This shows how deep the corruption is in the Democrat party and how little respect Democrats have for the people of this country.
[h=1]Sharyl Attkisson Refiles Spying Suit, Exposes Big Deep State Players[/h]
By Mark J. Fitzgibbons
National news media figure and multiple award-winning, straight-shooting investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson has refiled a lawsuit against the federal government for illegally and unconstitutionally hacking her computers and trespassing at her home. It’s a whopper of a lawsuit, naming high-profile Deep State officials including Rod Rosenstein of Trump Spygate fame, the high-ranking Justice Department official who told colleagues he’d wear a wire to surreptitiously record Donald Trump at the White House when the Deep State coup was in its earlier stages.
Attkisson’s first lawsuit was dismissed without prejudice for failing to expressly name the government spies and conspirators who hacked her computers and remotely plantedclassified materials, obviously to set her up. The Department of Justice, where Rosenstein worked, had repeatedly obstructed Attkisson’s attempts to get information through litigation discovery. The court dismissed nevertheless, and even gave immunity to former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, whom Attkisson did name in her first lawsuit.![]()
One federal court of appeals judge even called this dismissal of her lawsuit “Kafkaesque” given how well-nigh impossible it was for her case to proceed under our justice system’s rules and judicial interpretations rigged in ways that protect government lawbreaking. Sharyl described her first lawsuit and some of the shocking roadblocks used by the government to American Thinker readers here, and has even written a best-seller, Stonewalled, describing these events in greater detail. But as anyone following the news knows, the lawbreaking Deep State can’t even be shamed by exposure of its illicit deeds.
In her lawsuit refiled on January 10, Attkisson relied on a whistleblower who was actually involved in hacking her computers. He identified some of the other government officials complicit in the very disturbing spying on her. The refiled complaint quotes government forensics experts as being “quite shocked,” demonstrating some within the government Intelligence Community thankfully have consciences.
The spying occurred after she crossed the Obama administration with her unrelenting reporting on the gun-running scandal called Fast and Furious, then continued through her reporting on the Benghazi disaster, where a United States ambassador and three others stationed at the embassy in Libya were murdered while Obama and then-Secretary of State Hilary Clinton failed to respond with help and protection.
The refiled suit meticulously describes the nightmarish facts of how her computers and home were electronically and physically invaded as if she were a real “enemy of the people” and the government was playing Mission Impossible. Forensic details were derived from numerous investigations, leaving the conclusions unquestionable. The spying was conducted using government proprietary spyware and a mysterious United States Postal Service Internet domain. The latter fact is highly relevant, as government experts explained. A multi-agency government spying unit in Baltimore under Rosenstein’s supervision used these techniques, and they were even employed without court-ordered warrants.
The rest of the article can be found here.