ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
Heard this tossed around by some talking heads on the CBC, talking about the Saudis and the current Khashoggi controversy. It occurred to me that it also applied to other controversies, such as the Putin nonsense and the left's bizarre desire to paint the fledgling Russian democracy as our enemy because they aren't a mirror of our perfect governmental system.
For this discussion - which is more important - shared interests or shared values? I'll discuss it in terms of the Saudis and Putin, because those revolve around energy, one of my interests.
If anybody else wants to take it in other directions, feel free
For this discussion - which is more important - shared interests or shared values? I'll discuss it in terms of the Saudis and Putin, because those revolve around energy, one of my interests.
If anybody else wants to take it in other directions, feel free