Shandong False Flag? Preplanning even using Website?


New member
what is this ? what's it about before we watch ?

Explanation A:

"...All that happened here is a random person took the footage from a chemical plant explosion a month ago, in the same province of Shandong (which is HUGE by the way). They didn't do their research and just found the footage from a month ago & assumed it's the same explosion from yesterday...again, just trying to gain views in my opinion. All you have to do is read the news story that states the explosion on August 22 happened at night, not during the day, & in a totally different county that's hours away....The only reason this explosion made it in international news is because of the Tianjin explosion a week earlier, & that's most likely why the explosion from July in Shandong was used, because nobody had really heard about it and they jumped to conclusions. There's footage all over the web stating the explosion from a month ago was the explosion from yesterday. There's no conspiracy here....just a lot of confusion =/"

Explanation B:

"As I've been telling people for the last twelve days these are pre planned events designed to keep peoples eyes glued to the screens and not looking at the skies, the elites have had this planned for years, there are huge planetary bodies near earth and getting closer every day, they are not going to warn us because there will be riots everywhere and they might not be able to get to their bunkers in time, watch by the sun they are chemtrailing like crazy around the sun all over the world, also where ever you are as soon as the sun has set in the west, look to the east on the horizon you will see a huge orangy red glow, I saw these objects 12 days ago when the sun was clouded over and for a couple of seconds the cloud parted under and to the right of the sun, I saw five objects all round, different sizes and all glowing like the sun, at that time the biggest one was slightly bigger than the sun, but they where further away12 days ago and now they are nearly here, so expect even stranger world events coming thick and fast over the next few days, if we even have that long, also lots of people have been catching these objects on video all over the world especially the huge one with the big red glow around it, just do a search on YouTube"

Explanation C:

"I'm wondering why all the lies lately? To what end, ya know? ... The question is what is it that the powers that be would have to gain from all of us by lying about chemical explosions? Could it be that they're trying to normalize it so when the real thing happens, and it will, that we will already have prepared for it, maybe desensitized to it, or maybe even expected it? ... Another form of mind control? Herding us like cattle to the slaughter? ... Idk, but it sure leaves a lot to the imagination, and a lot of unanswered questions. Something is definitely happening, this is not all by coincidence. There most assuredly is a schemer and grand designer of all things like this lurking being closed doors in some boardroom somewhere planning the next event. May God have mercy on us all, Even so, come Lord Jesus, Amen!!"
