Shalom. The United States of America. Fifty States. Day.



Today is Revi'i, Ziv 28, day. With evening and morning the first six days of the week patterned after the days of creation, followed by the Sabbath rest, here in the United States of America and and if in Israel, do we understand what day is from sun rise to sun down? Is this when you do your work? For a while now I have been posting during the day, with even my phone off before sundown. What does this mean for communication on the internet, the world wide web, online, for the Fifty States of the United States of America? What is the purpose of the internet and Theology Online? If business and advertisements are not to be online, and the internet has government purpose, or medical inquiry and the spread of information, can we post in Theology Forums such as this one? What needs to happen so that all the Fifty States are on the same page about when we can post? The alternative to doing it the way I have been doing it is that everyone is okay with posting whenever you want. What do you say?

Who needs to know what and when, and can we all learn from each other and spread God's commandments to others in the United States of America, even from Israel if possible?

What is the place of the internet in government, courts, learning, education, and justice? How do we help each other and help America thrive?

May you learn the truth about God from God and His word, from Torah, the TaNaKh, the Old Testament Scriptures, Matthew through Revelation, or the New Testament Scriptures. I know that the covenants are not the scriptures themselves.

