Shalom. Bil yad.



Today is Sheni, 10-14. Evening and morning or night and day this calendar day (I observe the Jewish Calendar). It is morning or day.

I was lying in bed last night and bilyad came to my mind. It is actually two words, upon an internet search. bil yad

Is this Hebrew?

The search result was jihad, hand.




Further thoughts or what I was hearing or thinking is or was something about (not jihad, I am not a Muslim) I can just be a weapon of war (I do not believe this, but is it about what a person can say or communicate and how they are seen in the world). Such as being Jewish (I am a former Christian) or knowing that the first month is the month of Aviv but some might note that this is Old Testament which is not Christian pacifism (though I do not at all intend war of any kind).




Further thoughts or what I was hearing or thinking is or was something about (not jihad, I am not a Muslim) I can just be a weapon of war (I do not believe this, but is it about what a person can say or communicate and how they are seen in the world). Such as being Jewish (I am a former Christian) or knowing that the first month is the month of Aviv but some might note that this is Old Testament which is not Christian pacifism (though I do not at all intend war of any kind).


I said
Remember that the old testament is NOT CHRISTIAN. The old testament is Jew. Jew is not Christian. Its heresy to try to make them the same. The only hope that Jews have is to become a Christian. No body ever leaves Christianity to become a Jew. Unless God has kicked them out of Christianity.

[Rom 11:25, 28
25 For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. ...
28 Concerning the gospel [they are] enemies for your sake, but concerning the election [they are] beloved for the sake of the fathers.


I said
Remember that the old testament is NOT CHRISTIAN. The old testament is Jew. Jew is not Christian. Its heresy to try to make them the same. The only hope that Jews have is to become a Christian. No body ever leaves Christianity to become a Jew. Unless God has kicked them out of Christianity.

[Rom 11:25, 28
25 For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. ...
28 Concerning the gospel [they are] enemies for your sake, but concerning the election [they are] beloved for the sake of the fathers.


The first Christians were Jews. They did not cease to be Jews when they became Christians. If you believe that they did cease to be Jews when they became Christians then you are misled.

