Today is Chamishi, 8-20, with the coming of evening and night, a new calendar day.
What is a covering for sin? Is it Biblical? Is it found in the Torah? How is it to be correctly understood? How is this correctly understood?
This thread is inspired by someone on Theology Online asking about what a Jew's belief is on a blood covering, I am assuming with animal sacrifice during temple times. Without animal sacrifice now, what does the Jew have or do. I believe that my answer was lacking, asking what was meant by a blood covering.
Today is Chamishi, 8-20, with the coming of evening and night, a new calendar day.
What is a covering for sin? Is it Biblical? Is it found in the Torah? How is it to be correctly understood? How is this correctly understood?
This thread is inspired by someone on Theology Online asking about what a Jew's belief is on a blood covering, I am assuming with animal sacrifice during temple times. Without animal sacrifice now, what does the Jew have or do. I believe that my answer was lacking, asking what was meant by a blood covering.