Shabbat does not begin on Shishi


Shishi is the sixth day of the week, evening and morning, following the fifth day of the week Chamishi evening and morning, following the fourth day of the week Revi'i evening and morning beginning at the conclusion of this day. Candle lighting for Shabbat begins before sundown; this is erev Shabbat. Eighteen minutes before sundown. This is how we sanctify the Sabbath, whether you light a candle or not. This is all FYI so you know when Shabbat is. Shabbat is the Sabbath, a day of rest following the first six days of the week which are days of labor or work. So rest on the Sabbath until Havdalah, the conclusion of the Sabbath, which is always sometime after sundown. This has been 42 minutes after sundown.

