Sex With Animals Introduced in permissive movie series lastest


Well-known member
I won't bother you with the title of this franchise movie; I don't want you to waste any time on its drivel. However, I had heard, and confirmed, the most dangerous thing about the continual drift of permissiveness. A young unmarried M-F couple has had sex and are talking about it the next morning. She is holding a trained monkey. "Last night was amazing." "Yes," he answers, "The three of us should get together again."

The sexual revolution started with adultery. Adultery led to the trivialization of M-F marriage. That trivialization led to vast increases in divorce. It also lead to homosexuality through pessimism about M-F relations. That led to SS marriage, which seems meaningless and redundant to me, but there it is, the un-target has been achieved. But all of this is a dangerous drift, and now in a popular franchise series that popularizes permissive sex, and ridicules constraint and virtue all over again (same dim script as 20 years ago), SEX WITH ANIMALS is introduced as the boundary to press, since the other boundaries are down.

What is God's command in this area, validated by Christ? Sex only belongs in a covenant marriage between one human (not animal) man and woman, unrelated by family for several generations.
Something I've beed seeing in recent years, unlike any other time, is how the culture, driven by the powers-that-be, has gone insanely Satanic, gone stupid. It's an "anything goes" situation unfolding. And Hollywood is in the business of boiling frogs, gradually slipping in ever increasing forms of degeneracy into the cultural mindset, no surprise bestiality is making an appearance, anymore, "So what else is new?" (Genesis 6:5 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.}

Consider Obama, Islam and homosexuality. He's rabidly pro homo, at the same time pro Islam, while Muslims would execute homosexuals. They'd like to make the Bible's comments on homosexuality hate speech while, at the same time, promoting and protecting Islam, which everybody knows supports deception, repressions, terrorism and torture, as well as the most radical forms of hate speech supporting such things, an evil religion of Satanic enslavement. Islam is against all Western values, against very freedom, is violent and against human rights. Yet there's a liberal block in America supporting these things in diametric opposition to each other, not even any consistency of values in these people, waving the flag of Islamists who'd take the heads of their homosexual darlings. These people are hard at work at their own destruction in such ways. Literally, a babboon has better sense!

So what is the common thread? Evil, the devil, the promotion of sin. Literally, you see things in the news, anymore, which prove, at the highest levels, we've gone to the devil. Ironic that the devil hates all mankind, even his own, would destroy and will see those destroyed his champions. Is there a stronger definition of insanity, short of a padded room?

Growing up, I'd have never dreamed to see the things we see now, every day, when even schools taught moral values and the Constitution, anyway, what's going on now unthinkable, back then. Quite simply, we're in a world going full-tilt, insane stupid, whose left and right sides of the mouth no longer even agree. It's a disaster waiting to happen, while people are obsessed with the likes of "Dancing with the Stars" and football. You'd think people would at least stop to consider the situation of having such evil idiots with their fingers on the nuclear button.

2 Timothy 3
Perilous Times and Perilous Men

1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good,
4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts,
7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

"Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"


Well-known member
It was obvious that the woman in this scene was going to do what has happened in many similar cases. She will one day realize she doesn't understand the man, but sex with the monkey is great. Why have a man?

This is what our permissive culture has done since adultery, or let's say, since adultery was made out to be a necessary for emotional survival in culture and entertainment; that started the above cycle. Pushing the boundary then was just as much a 'solution' to marital constancy, to heterosexuality, to male-female marriage, etc., until now it is the sexual 'solution' to understanding the opposite gender, as much as sexual stimulation devices already are.


The President is a reflection of the status of America. It has always been that way, as they make an impression and are voted in- it's not an autocracy.

So when Obama is supporting homosexuality and Islam- two diametrically opposed things, you start to think of what they both have in common. They are both against Christianity.


These people will deny their own deliberate standing to manipulate further, and something should be done about it- right now, no popular proposition has helped, not even a little bit. 'God will make right' is basically fatalism- He will, but only when He sets the world on fire :plain:


Well-known member
The President is a reflection of the status of America. It has always been that way, as they make an impression and are voted in- it's not an autocracy.

So when Obama is supporting homosexuality and Islam- two diametrically opposed things, you start to think of what they both have in common. They are both against Christianity.


These people will deny their own deliberate standing to manipulate further, and something should be done about it- right now, no popular proposition has helped, not even a little bit. 'God will make right' is basically fatalism- He will, but only when He sets the world on fire :plain:

Obama clued us in 10 years ago when he said the Constitution is essentially flawed. He is an elitist socialist who doesn't know the first lesson about Marxism: that Stalin was unwilling to take the socialist step Marx did and 'use' Western capital to make communism succeed. Ie, he doesn't know he's reaching Stalin's target. Likewise Hilary.

People like that should be taken out and tied to their chairs at or until the delusions all break loose and a bled from them.