Trump Gurl
Credo in Unum Deum
Biden Breaks Foot Engaging in Tried-and-True Expression of Presidential Vigor
Joe Biden suffered a hairline fracture of his foot Saturday while engaging in one of the most presidential acts of performative vigor: playing around with his dog
OMG. Remember when Pedophile Joe said he could beat up Trump? Why are all leftists sissies?
Oh ya, China is scared of this tool
Biden Breaks Foot Engaging in Tried-and-True Expression of Presidential Vigor
That is, Biden twisted his ankle playing with his dog.
Joe Biden suffered a hairline fracture of his foot Saturday while engaging in one of the most presidential acts of performative vigor: playing around with his dog
OMG. Remember when Pedophile Joe said he could beat up Trump? Why are all leftists sissies?
Oh ya, China is scared of this tool