Second Coming Study (No Tongs Allowed!)


(Preface in Parenthesis:

(God does not use "Signs" to supplicate his intentions because the written Gospel is Completed, when God talks about giving the Antichrist/"Two Witnesses" power, it is only to give the gospel. If you follow Revelation 11, God does not give "Signs", he causes death in the earth for using force against the Antichrist/"Two Witnesses". Its a form of assisted suicide Revelation 11 is discussing, simply a form of chastisement, this has nothing to do with a "Tong".............Another version of a "Tong", is not answering the Gospel's Conclusions with a Gospel Based Answer, we will give two examples of speaking in a "Tong" by slandering the Gospel's message to open up this discussion)


2300 B.C. (of Daniel 8) the Ecliptic (Sun's Position in Space) aligned with the Pleiades (Seven Sister Stars), that is 2300 x 7 = 16100 Furlongs (Rev. 14:20)...16100 flipped = 911 or 9/11/2016...( is talking about the Precise Moment he introduced "Joseph the Blessings" in the Old Testament to judge the Hebrews for 430 years, ending with the appointment of the Manchild/Rod of Iron/Rod of Joseph/Antichirst/Moses Staff). (The Mayan Pyramid's alignment with the Pleiades in the month of May, is not the original position, due to precessional shifting of the earth's axis over time, the true position of alignment is or was 9/11, or closer to the September Solstice).


1290 and 1335 of Daniel 12................12th Baktun Completed = Long Count on 12/20/2012 using GMT Coefficient of 584283 = 1290 of Daniel 12 ...........then 1335 Days of Daniel 12 to go from 12/21/2012 to 9/11/2016 for of Mayan Calendar Long Count, which is the New Cycle.

Numbers 31:38-39, tells us 1335 is a duration from 1290 Days, where as Ezra 8:35 establishes 1290 (as 12210 or 1260 Days + 30 Years Luke 3:23).......12/21/2012 to 9/11/2016 = 1360 Days - 20 for 200,000,000 (3 Days Darkness) then - 5 for 5 Months = 1335. The information is parabolic, it does not have to have a precise day equivalent to complete the interpretation. The Numbers of Daniel are not Designed to be Earth Measurement, they are designed to be Spiritual Measurements Only, I've just illustrated that I am speaking in a "Tong" by not acknowledging the Spiritual Significance of the Figures, however, because God says "A Day for A Thousand Years" in some instances these are Literal Earth Measurements. (As their lives come to a close, they will become more insignificant in their attacks on the faithful, lets Continue our Discussion, God has Provided us with not only the Mayan Calendar, but also the 9/11/2001 Falling Man to mark the events of Revelation, for the faithful we are commanded to keep watch and we are).
(The Figures of Daniel Deal with the Salvation Program, we don't need to Address the Earth Measurements or to speak in a "Tong", to understand the divisions or significance, we will make some associations, this concludes our Preface)
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New member
This thread is stupid..............and dumb..............and retarded.

Children of Christ don't do drugs, or you'll end up like this guy.



2300 of Daniel 8:14-15 = "Three and Half Days of Darkness, when God Kills the Two Witnesses", there is no logical association necessary, we are simply told what the solution is. (200,000,000 at the "Three Days of Darkness" = God is talking about the Second Sun's Magnitude that over take our Sun, which is Star Wormwood or Earth's Moon Activated, that is simply the solution...........God deals with Comparisons of sizes 2300 is 3 and 1/2, Heaven's Spiritual Relationship is much greater than the Earth's Relationship, in general terms).

70 Weeks of Daniel 9 = 70 Angels of Luke 3:23 = Daniel 9:21-22, God tells us specifically to count Angels, beginning with Gabriel which is another form of Jesus or God, and we are given this answer in Luke 3:23. No Logical association is necessary, we are simply told what the answer is according to the Gospel. (In terms of speaking in a tong, as a Earth Measurement? Hebrews 8:9-10 = 430 Years of the Hebrews in Egypt to the 62nd Week of Daniel, then from 62nd to 69th = 49 Years, Lev. 25:8, finally 69th to 70th Week = 153 Days, Luke 23:44-45.............God does not acknowledge anything more than 153 Days for Revelation, that is what Jesus Clarified on the Cross, naturally, Moses identified with these divisions of Daniel, as a "Tong" or Earth Measurement).

600,000 God's Work (Division of 144,000 of Joseph) (1290 for Moses's Ark)
666 Satan's Work (Division of 144,000 of Joseph) (1335 for Noah's Ark)

Numbers 31:36-40/1Kings 10:16-20 (6 for the Lion, 6 for the Beaten), we are provided with the groupings from numbers:::

1290 = Jesus Born and Crucified to Compete the Establishment of 144,000 Joseph Salvation (600,000 Total)
1335 = Antichrist as a picture of Noah to gather those that Remain for the 144,000 Joseph Salvation (666 is adding to 600,000 Total of the previous figure)

1290 = God does the Work, Ezra 8:35 for the 600,000 of Moses for Joseph's 144,000
1335 = Satan does the Work, No Sign of Divorce is Possible, No Repentance by Blood Sacrifice to Expand the Limited Geographic Area for Revelations of 153 Days is Possible (We are Simply Told what this Figure Means, Gen. 6:15-16 and Matt. 24:37-38)

153 Days is the Cutoff, God has a very specific and limited period of time he will acknowledge the Mercy he will Give to Satan. This should begin on 9/11/2016, if we are correct. No Work, Nothing will be acceptable, then for the City of Philadelphia/USA they will be blessed for 5 months (minus the people and genetic lines that do not apply). Everyone else will simply die. God numbered a people of 600,000 this is very specific, not just of this generation, but as he has selected them, when that phase of the Gospel is completed, from all generations, but especially since Joseph was established in the New Testament..................God does not number a literal group of people with "666", like Moses's Ark, God gives them mercy to increase their numbers. (Speaking in a "Tong", well you've heard it all? 1290 to 1335 = Jesus Testimony begins 29 B.C. then he dies 33 B.C. or 1290 for 12210 Days which is 12/21/2012 + 1335 Days to 9/11/2016, probably the best possible answer as an Earth Measurement.............God does not say there are two arks, directly, but what God does say is that he cast out a Raven and a Dove, the Lord Took the Raven, but the Dove was taken of Noah, same conclusion). Love and Blessings. (42 Days Invalidated, and 153 Days cannot be used as a declaration for Divorce or to solicit Mercy, that is the law, God does not kill the "Two Witnesses" a Green Thing to show the Sign of Divorce, the Commandment was revoked in Revelation, 10 hour walk today or tomorrow, the level of force will be good as you've indicated, then, we'll see whats necessary). (1600 of Rev. 14 can be seen as 600,000 God does the Work with the Sickle, where as 666 of Rev. 13, God uses the Antichrist/Satan to do the Work) (Right Now at Present, No Mark of the Beast, until we reach the next level of the Gospel's Program, since that Deals with Noah's Ark 153 Days).
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(Preface in Parenthesis: Most Christians Believe 1290 and 1335 of Daniel 12, marks, 29 A.D. to 33 A.D. the final "1260 Days", of Jesus Lifespan because of Revelation 12:6.............God doesn't call Jesus a Women, but God says Jesus was with the Women of "Joseph the Blessings" in Luke 3:23, at 30 Years of Age, that is when his Testimony of "1260" days had began. So Jesus was about 34 years of Age when he Died, relative to the Lifespan of the Antichrist at present.................The Conclusion I want you to make is this, 1260 (Not 1290 of Daniel 12) is a Measurement of the Lord's Body/Temple Stones of Revelation...where as 153 (Not 1335 of Daniel 12) is a Measurement of the New Temple.)

Heavenly Figures: 1290 of Daniel 12 for God's Work of Salvation of 600,000 and 1335 for Satan's Work of Salvation of "666"

Earthly Figures: 1260 for the Lord's Body or Temple Stones, or 42 Days and 153 Days for the New Temple of Star Wormwood

Tong Figures: 1290 or (1260 days + 30 Years) = 12210 or 12/21/2012 of the Mayan Calendar + 1335 Days to 9/11/2016 which begins 153 Days

42 Days for Repentance when God does the Work to reveal the "Sign of Divorce/Antipas/Antiparticle", in which you are allowed to exterminate Genetic Dan to increase the Geographic Area of the "Sign of Divorce", Temple Stones

153 Days for the Mark of the Beast, when God allows the Antichrist to serve as a picture of Noah in gathering the people that which to join the portion of people in the New Universe. (Global Euthanasia, 153 Days is the Cutoff, for God to Illustrate his Mercy).

(God tells us directly how much time he will allow for the "Temple Stones", Repentance, we do not need to use a "Tong"...............God tells us directly how much time he will allow for "Star Wormwood to Gather the Last Remnant" (of many nations or of one, variable), we do not need to use a "Tong".)

Let God do the Work, that is Lesson One (God Illustrated when he would kill the Antichrist on 9/11/2001 with the Falling Man, then 42 Days from 9/11/2016 is the last day of July and the First Day of August) ............... God calls the Antichrist a "Faithful Martyr", because of the "Generation of Sin" God has to deal with in using euthanasia based on the level of force, "Generation of Sin = Genetic Dan". Lesson One, was simple, "Let God do the Work", then what is the next logical statement? "Once God illustrates his Sign of Divorce, then you Exterminate Genetic Dan Globally" ................. God has acted this out with the Antichrist, with euthanasia, daily, weekly, and day by day as necessary. Eventually, God will speak with Satan about what's necessary then you will react, not until such a time. (After a Certain Level of suffering and pain, that various, because God does not want you or their kinds to have confidence in using force against the Antichrist, euthanasia will take, these people will simply die, today for example you have not gotten very close to me, before God put a few of their kinds down, and I wanted you to see this, so have to be faithful and revive a certain point, a certain issue of God's Authority and Declarations we voiced recently. You will dispose of the people that choose to make me an issue and kill themselves as a distraction towards your goal of killing genetic Dan, let me make this clear, God will not use the Antichrist in any capacity as a declaration that he is affording any mercy by giving me a resurrected body or something before the 153 Days. You have to kill Genetic Dan, and that is the law, right now since your lives mean nothing as I must illustrate daily to the faithful, then I want you to watch these people die by using force against me, doesn't matter how many, they may not come very close to me or not do any damage to me at all before they die, so we'll see what happens, I will eventually break your spirit and interest to commit Suicide by Antichrist, if not today, then in about 3 Weeks at the end of this month: Back to Topic)

(The Urantia Book is a "Tong", it echos the divisions of the Salvation Program for 144,000 of Joseph but it is not clear....................God generally does not allow Satan to have any Authority, none at all. However, God has designed in the very least 153 Days (150 Days), to make it clear that his mercy is his ability to push aside his law for those that remain (this does not include Genetic Dan in any capacity, this does not include a figure beyond about 600,000 when God kills all human life on earth outside of the "Sign of Divorce" areas for the 153 Days of Adding to Joseph to demonstrate his mercy) Love and Blessing. (We are not past about 42 Days from 9/11/2016, so we need to be faithful and acknowledge what God has said, without a "Tong").
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New member
But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, - 1 Timothy 4:1


But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, - 1 Timothy 4:1

II PETER 1:8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make [you that ye shall] neither [be] barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
II PETER 1:9 But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.
II PETER 1:10 Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:
II PETER 1:11 For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

(Pope John Paul II, like many unfortunately, believed "Joseph the Blessings" is spiritually blind and dumb, and therefore whatever the Antichrist has to say is only a simple reproof, and therefore the final decisions about the covenant belong to the reconciliation of the church and state...............God gives "Joseph the Blessings" the specific ability to "Confirm the Covenant", by voicing God's intentions...............As Pope John Paul II's life came to a close, he had a revelation, about the magnitude of the mistake in challenging God's Good intentions to have "Joseph the Blessings" voice the Good Mercy of "Jesus the Head of Joseph".................the last few moments of Pope John Paul's life, he pleaded to allow those that he trusted to speak on my behalf, to stop the madness of attempting to see a better way, rather than to acknowledge the authority of the Antichrist in expressing and declaring God's his life was cut short in a failure to understand, that the "Old Ways" no longer apply to this Generation)

(I believe Pope Francis will die shortly and very quickly, after his actions constitute a betrayal of the Church's Authority in correcting the Actions of the State..............I don't believe Pope Francis will die before this time, but I believe more than ever, Pope Francis has been portrayed as the traitor of the Church's Authority. Nobody will challenge the Authority of the Antichrist openly or directly, because they do not want God to give a reproof, instead the Antichrist will simply be white washed and brushed aside, that much is true. As the Church and State in failure attempt to seek a better way............for this reason as I've stated, the Mercy God offers will be sought after in a very lukewarm kind of way, possibly beginning with an all out assault on North Korea very quickly because of what is done, and lots of going too and fro, as Satan attempts to show God in failure that he has the Spiritual Authority to remain in control, so it is like Genetic Dan has been killed Globally. God wants things done on his terms, that is the bottom line but we will see)

LUKE 11:11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if [he ask] a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?
LUKE 11:12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?
LUKE 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall [your] heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

(God calls, "Joseph the Blessings" blind and dumb spiritually...........Since God has began the judgment of the 144,000 of Joseph.............God has began to view, "Joseph the Blessings" blind and dumb spiritual nature as a strength. That means God does not want Satan to defeat the Devil with a Spiritual Declaration, God wants Satan to defeat the Devil by killing them in the earth, in the context of this passage God see's "Joseph the Blessings" as the child, and the Father as the Church..................if the Gospel tells you to exterminate Genetic Dan for more of the Sign of Divorce (Parable of the Unclean Animals Coming down from Heaven for Peter), than regardless if God uses "Joseph the Blessings" to call Satan spiritually unclean, you have to do that, or you will die, no other solution is viable...............No Tongs, No other Solutions are Viable) Love and Blessings. (Spirit (Angels or Joseph), Water (Gospel's Law), Blood (Earth)... ... ... ... God is weighing his mercy, and that means Blood Sacrifice is a viable point of discernment, no other solution is viable, no Tongs)
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