Satanists in the Public Square!


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Satanists in the Public Square!

This is the show from Monday December 9th, 2013


* God vs Satan: Satanists in Oklahoma, (in league with the Oklahoma ACLU) have filed a notification of their intent to install a satanic monument on the Oklahoma Capital grounds right next to the proposed Ten Commandments Monument. Bob’s loyal co-host Doug McBurney sits in for Bob and says to the Satanists, “bring it on!”

* Let Them Eat Cake: That was the decision of a Colorado judge who sanctioned a Christian baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a deviant pervert couple of men who insist they are “married”! Doug draws comparisons to other dictates from previous dictators.

* Water World: Bob calls in from an undisclosed location where he is researching for what promises to be the most significant event in Creation Science this year.


New member
It will never happen here.. we still use the good ole boy way of doing things here...

They might put it up,,but it wont last, id bet my granpapi's teeth on it :)


New member
If they did that here in east Tennessee it wouldn't last 24 hrs. They would have to post guards 24/7.

Posted from the TOL App!
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