Same Old People, Same Old Lies

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Same Old People, Same Old Lies

This is the show from Tuesday August 31st, 2010.

Margarette Sanger was Hitler in a skirt. And Hitler was Sanger with a mustache.


*Jo Scott and Leslie Hanks sit in for Bob today after attending the No on 62 pep rally for death at the Capitol.

The same old people, the same old lies, the same old tired slogans ~ protecting fertilized eggs, prosecuting for
miscarriages, using the issue to force religion down their throats.

Ahem, didn't we hear their "Reverend" from the Shorter AME Church open her speech with, "This is the day the Lord has made"?

And didn't we hear from Jeremy Shaver of the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado?


Are they injecting religion into the promotion of killing the most innocent, as though God would approve?

A baby was saved at the mill today, in spite of the efforts to lead the women from Burma into their evil death trap.

Praise God some truth was told today at the rally for child killing ~ you might see some in the press but you know you will always hear it on Bob Enyart Live!!

Thanks, Bob!
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New member
Another great show! I can just imagine the horror of hearing people use the Lord's name in discussing baby-killing. Thanks for being there at that rally to witness to the truth and for standing up for the unborn. Sounds like great things are happening with the Personhood Movement in Colorado.


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Another great show! I can just imagine the horror of hearing people use the Lord's name in discussing baby-killing. Thanks for being there at that rally to witness to the truth and for standing up for the unborn. Sounds like great things are happening with the Personhood Movement in Colorado.
We succeeded in getting the personhood amendment on the ballot with about 1600 volunteers collecting signatures during the freezing cold in the winter. But for some strange reason only about 35 of those people are actively spreading the news about the amendment with flyers, yard signs etc., even though it's so much easier to distribute a flyer in nice summer weather or to simply put up a yard sign. Weird huh? Please pray.
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