Rush, Rosie, Reggie Rivers

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Rush, Rosie, Reggie Rivers

This is the show from Thursday October 15th, 2009.


* Which of These Three is Not Like the Others? (Answer below.)

* Where's the Birth Certificate? So, a federal judge hits lead birther attorney Orly Taitz with a $20,000 fine! Orly talks to Bob…

* They Say Rush Is A Bigot? A black justice of the peace performed Rush Limbaugh's last wedding, in the home of the black justice whose wife is white. The ceremony, one a racial bigot would not agree to, was arranged by Rush. Bob has no desire to try to defend things Rush says, and adds that over the last years Rush Limbaugh has become increasingly crude and sexually vulgar. But consider the hypocrisy of any liberal in Colorado, or sports fan, who criticizes Rush but defends Reggie Rivers…

Former Denver Bronco Bigot Reggie Rivers: Angry that a Denver suburb was considering moving sexually explicit business to "remote" areas (not remote as in Siberia, but remote as in… Aurora), Rocky Mountain News columnist Reggie Rivers published (not verbally, but wrote) this diatribe: "While I don't agree with the action, I can periodically understand the frustration and general fatigue that compelled the Romans to throw select Christians to the lions. It's not just that the lions were hungry; it was that the Romans were tired of listening to the self-righteous babbling of the Christians... regular citizens are getting fed up with puritanical Christians..."

The Rush Connection: Reggie Rivers is still in good standing with liberals, the Denver sports community, and the Colorado media. Imagine if Rush Limbaugh had said, not written, mind you, but had said in passing, "While I don't agree with the action, I can periodically understand the frustration that compelled the KKK to lynch select blacks. It's not just that the rope was available, it was that the blacks were so problematic... regular citizens are getting fed up with black influence on our culture..." Rush would have been done, and rightly so. And Rivers should be done, but liberals are hypocrites.

Backhanded Apology: In his next column Rivers referred to what he wrote above as "tongue-in-cheek" and gave a nine-word backhanded apology. For until Christians "flooded" KOA radio and the Rocky Mountain News with complaints, Rivers had not realized how easily offended and woodenly literal people could be (thus further insulting Christians instead of truly apologizing). Other than that briefest of brief apologies, Rivers spent his entire "apology" column praising a reader who actually thanked him for the article and explained that as a young man he had believed the Christian gospel but now he believes all roads lead to God. And of course, he's right, Reggie, he's right. All roads do lead to God: some to Him as Savior, and others, to Him as Judge.

Rosie O'Donnell: is, well, Rosie O'Donnell.

* Join Steve Curtis (and Bob) at the Life Commercials Banquet: Steve Curtis, of Ten Minutes Till Midnight and American RTL, is hosting the LifeCommercials banquet on Saturday, October 24th at 6 p.m. at the Doubletree Hotel in Westminster Colorado. See Steve's flyer for details, and if you can, register soon and then if you'd like to sit at the BEL table, call 1-800-8Enyart to see if there are open seats! Also, Ten Minutes author Lee Martin will be there to sign books!

* Help Personhood Efforts Get Signatures: If you live in Colorado, could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & CRTL 2010 petition? We need your help! If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?

Today’s Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart’s entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!


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Taitz had it coming and anybody who thinks she's a poor, poor victim is a sucker and a shill.


The Dark Knight
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Wouldn't Christians want the businesses completely removed, and not just moved?

Bob Enyart

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regulating pornography

regulating pornography

Wouldn't Christians want the businesses completely removed, and not just moved?

Absolutely Lighthouse! Good point! The moving of the porn business just happened to be the story that exposed Reggie River's hatred of Christians. This has been a long-time CWA/FotF/Etc. strategy of regulating sexual immorality (boy, I wonder where they got that idea from?).

-Bob Enyart


New member
* They Say Rush Is A Bigot? A black justice of the peace performed Rush Limbaugh's last wedding, in the home of the black justice whose wife is white. The ceremony, one a racial bigot would not agree to, was arranged by Rush.

- "Last wedding"? Quite the hero of the right's family values and all.

- He's pardoned of bigotry because he was married by a black man? :nono: That's about as lame as Keith Bardwell stating that he is not a bigot because he marries African couples and even lets them use his bathroom.

- Stop running from the term bigot; embrace it. Limbaugh is a bigot. He is intolerant of views that are not his own. Aren't you; Jeff, Bob, Doug?

Bob has no desire to try to defend things Rush says, and adds that over the last years Rush Limbaugh has become increasingly crude and sexually vulgar.

Actually Doug said this, but maybe it was just the show's script :idunno:

He is being defended by KGOV. Either defend him or don't, it's silly to make such a disclaimer of not wanting to defend him......right before defending him. A spade is a spade whether it's yours or your neighbors.

But consider the hypocrisy of any liberal in Colorado, or sports fan, who criticizes Rush but defends Reggie Rivers…

Like who? Got some names? How can we consider claims of hypocrisy without an actual example to look at?

Former Denver Bronco Bigot Reggie Rivers: Angry that a Denver suburb was considering moving sexually explicit business to "remote" areas (not remote as in Siberia, but remote as in… Aurora), Rocky Mountain News columnist Reggie Rivers published (not verbally, but wrote) this diatribe: "While I don't agree with the action, I can periodically understand the frustration and general fatigue that compelled the Romans to throw select Christians to the lions. It's not just that the lions were hungry; it was that the Romans were tired of listening to the self-righteous babbling of the Christians... regular citizens are getting fed up with puritanical Christians..."

What an idiot. :mock: Reggie Rivers

The Rush Connection: Reggie Rivers is still in good standing with liberals, the Denver sports community, and the Colorado media. Imagine if Rush Limbaugh had said, not written, mind you, but had said in passing, "While I don't agree with the action, I can periodically understand the frustration that compelled the KKK to lynch select blacks. It's not just that the rope was available, it was that the blacks were so problematic... regular citizens are getting fed up with black influence on our culture..."

This is an error in reasoning. First; Rivers level of bigotry does not reduce Limbaugh's level of bigotry. There is no Rush connection.

Second; I loathe when African Americans play the victim card, so now we should encourage Christians to use it? The comparison between River's quote and the faux Limbaugh quote should never be made. Rivers attacked Christians, not Rush Limbaugh. Don't use his attack on Christians as a way to defend Limbaugh. Especially after flat out stating that you have "no desire to try to defend things Rush says".

Rush would have been done, and rightly so. And Rivers should be done

Rush would have "been done"? Are you kidding? Rush and Rivers are employees of their respective networks. You really think Rush would be fired if he said the above? As long as he is getting the ratings his employers are after, he will remain on the air. Same with Rivers. It's business people. Conjecture at best, but of course you're entitled to it.

but liberals are hypocrites.

Backhanded Apology: In his next column Rivers referred to what he wrote above as "tongue-in-cheek" and gave a nine-word backhanded apology.

Can anyone link that column or post it? The original diatribe requires a subscription to access. I would be interested in that as well. TIA.


New member
Why do you say he's a bigot?
The answer to that question comes immediately after the statement in question.

Conservatism automatically equals bigotry?

Nope. Not at all. What gave you that idea?

A lot of inter-racial couples are conservatives. Are they bigots?

All of them at once?

I made a statement about one man which you put on your paint brush to create sweeping brush strokes of unsaid generalizations.



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The answer to that question comes immediately after the statement in question.
You said, "Limbaugh is a bigot. He is intolerant of views that are not his own. Aren't you; Jeff, Bob, Doug?"

Intolerance does not equal bigotry. First we learn that you don't know the definition of hypocrisy and now we learn you don't know the definition of bigotry.

I am intolerant against the opinion that 2+2=5. Does that make me a bigot? I'm intolerant of theft. Does that make me a bigot? I'm intolerant against the view that adultery should be legal. Does that make me a bigot? You are intolerant of my views. Does that make you a bigot?


New member
Add 1 to your list Jeff

Add 1 to your list Jeff

You said, "Limbaugh is a bigot. He is intolerant of views that are not his own. Aren't you; Jeff, Bob, Doug?"

Intolerance does not equal bigotry. First we learn that you don't know the definition of hypocrisy and now we learn you don't know the definition of bigotry.

I am intolerant against the opinion that 2+2=5. Does that make me a bigot? I'm intolerant of theft. Does that make me a bigot? I'm intolerant against the view that adultery should be legal. Does that make me a bigot? You are intolerant of my views. Does that make you a bigot?

Another person who needs a dictionary for Christmas.


- stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.


- a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

Yes, under those terms, Rush Limbaugh is a bigot.

Would you care to offer an opposing definition?


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
Another person who needs a dictionary for Christmas.


- stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.


- a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

Yes, under those terms, Rush Limbaugh is a bigot.

Would you care to offer an opposing definition?
Then we are all bigots. Every last one of us. Including you.

Who's the hypocrite painting with broad strokes now?


New member
Hall of Fame
- "Last wedding"? Quite the hero of the right's family values and all.

- He's pardoned of bigotry because he was married by a black man? :nono: That's about as lame as Keith Bardwell stating that he is not a bigot because he marries African couples and even lets them use his bathroom.
He's been accused of being biased against black people lately. You aren't that stupid.

- Stop running from the term bigot; embrace it. Limbaugh is a bigot. He is intolerant of views that are not his own. Aren't you; Jeff, Bob, Doug?
So are you, so am I. Everyone is. It loses any meaning the way you throw it around. Happy now?

He is being defended by KGOV. Either defend him or don't, it's silly to make such a disclaimer of not wanting to defend him......right before defending him. A spade is a spade whether it's yours or your neighbors.
Sad. You cannot defend one aspect of a thing without criticizing another aspect of that same thing?

This is an error in reasoning. First; Rivers level of bigotry does not reduce Limbaugh's level of bigotry. There is no Rush connection.
There is an easy comparison. You are being dense.

Rush would have "been done"? Are you kidding? Rush and Rivers are employees of their respective networks. You really think Rush would be fired if he said the above? As long as he is getting the ratings his employers are after, he will remain on the air. Same with Rivers. It's business people. Conjecture at best, but of course you're entitled to it.

95% of Rush's fans would bail on him if he said something that stupid. Stations would quit playing him.
He. Would. Be. Done.


New member
Then we are all bigots. Every last one of us. Including you.
I am tolerant of the views of others. I respect the fact that there are varying views, it creates a dynamic society. I understand the differences, I consider myself understanding and tolerant regardless of how much I disagree or how much my opinion on the same subject opposes the opinion of others.

You can disagree and still be tolerant. Get it?

Who's the hypocrite painting with broad strokes now?
I used a dictionary definition. Offer up a different definition if you feel mine is not accurate.

Break out that Lighthouse dictionary for us.


New member
- "Last wedding"? Quite the hero of the right's family values and all.

- He's pardoned of bigotry because he was married by a black man? :nono: That's about as lame as Keith Bardwell stating that he is not a bigot because he marries African couples and even lets them use his bathroom.
He's been accused of being biased against black people lately. You aren't that stupid.

How is my stupidity the question when you made a statement that has no bearing on my comments. He's accused of being biased, so? How does that relate to the comments you're making that response to?

He's accused of bias against, he's cleared of all charges of bigotry simply because he let's a black man officiate his latest wedding? That's about as lame as Keith Bardwell stating that he is not a bigot because he marries African couples and even lets them use his bathroom.

I realize he's been accused of being biased against black people lately. You aren't that stupid.

So are you, so am I. Everyone is. It loses any meaning the way you throw it around. Happy now?

See above ^. "The way I throw it around?" I quoted a dictionary! Offer a different definition if you feel mine is not accurate. It is what it is.

Sad. You cannot defend one aspect of a thing without criticizing another aspect of that same thing?

It doesn't make a lot of sense after Bob (through Doug) expressly states
Bob has no desire to try to defend things Rush says, and adds that over the last years Rush Limbaugh has become increasingly crude and sexually vulgar.

We don't want to defend Rush, except when we defend him.

There is an easy comparison. You are being dense.

Really grade A ad-hom, there. Great rebuttal.

95% of Rush's fans would bail on him if he said something that stupid. Stations would quit playing him.
He. Would. Be. Done.



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I am tolerant of the views of others. I respect the fact that there are varying views, it creates a dynamic society. I understand the differences, I consider myself understanding and tolerant regardless of how much I disagree or how much my opinion on the same subject opposes the opinion of others.
Calling someone a bigot is the most tolerant thing I've ever seen.:rolleyes:


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I am tolerant of the views of others. I respect the fact that there are varying views, it creates a dynamic society. I understand the differences, I consider myself understanding and tolerant regardless of how much I disagree or how much my opinion on the same subject opposes the opinion of others.
Limbaugh also respects the fact that there are varying views. He also considers himself understanding and tolerant regardless of how much he disagrees or how much his opinion on the same subject opposes the opinion of others. So how does Limbaugh's attitude differ from yours?


New member
Limbaugh also respects the fact that there are varying views. He also considers himself understanding and tolerant regardless of how much he disagrees or how much his opinion on the same subject opposes the opinion of others. So how does Limbaugh's attitude differ from yours?

He doesn't respect the varying view, he demonizes it. That's what he gets paid to do. Is he understanding and tolerant of liberalism? Does he respect the liberal view?

That's how his attitude differs from mine.


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He doesn't respect the varying view, he demonizes it. That's what he gets paid to do. Is he understanding and tolerant of liberalism?
He's as understanding and tolerant of liberalism as you are of conservatism.
Does he respect the liberal view?
He respects the liberal view just as much as you respect the conservative view. Not much at all.
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