RSR's List of the Negative Effects of Marijuana 2023 Update


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This is the show from Friday, June 23rd, 2023


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*Saving AI: Listen in as Fred Williams and Doug McBurney ponder the possibility that a truly sentient, unbiased AI chatbot would surely end up getting saved based on the quantity of good evidence for the truth of the gospel available online!

*ET Meets Omuamua: Speaking of being stoned... Abraham Loeb, Harvard professor of somethingorother, and Sean Kirkpatrick atop the bureaucratic pile at Obama III's All-domain Aerial Anomaly Resolution Office are convinced that alien crafts and perhaps even their mother ship are among us!

*Aliens and the Moon Landing: We're going to make a pre-emptive call of "fake" on the intelligent aliens from another planet, (especially if they insist everyone line up outside the grocery store in masks), and insist that the 1969 American moon landing was real.

*There's a Drug for That! Hooked on drugs? The psychopharmaceutical industry is working on a drug for that!

*Cannabis Induced Schizophrenia: Yet another study linking smoking dope to schizophrenia in young men.

*Smoking Dope Kills the 2nd Amendment: Marijuana is still classified by the federal government as a narcotic, meaning pot-heads are not legally able to possess a firearm for self defense.

*Marijuana & Epigenetic Modifications: When we ponder the amazing sophistication designed into the genome, and its epigenetic capacity, we stand in awe of the creator! And it turns out smoking dope is bad for that too!

*Wasted Workers Unite: putting themselves and co-workers at risk, documented in a new report from Quest Diagnostics.


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I have links that are scrubbed from the internet on the subject.


In quotes because the link is dead. I just want you to read the headline.

Active article

Smoking cannabis is more harmful than cigarettes and more likely to trigger cancer, according to a report. Just three cannabis 'joints' a day can cause the same amount of damage to the lungs as an entire packet of 20 cigarettes. The British Lung Foundation says that when cannabis and tobacco are smoked together, the harmful effects are significantly worse.

Another active link

Compared with subjects who had never used marijuana, the results revealed that marijuana users were 3.42 times more likely to die from high blood pressure. For each year of marijuana use, the risk of death from hypertension increased by 1.04 times.

Everything mainstream has it backwards. Probably because Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds don't donate as much to the left in campaigns. The ones still up may not stay up.

Active link

Researchers from Ottawa Hospital General in Canada compared approximately 150 lung scans from marijuana smokers, tobacco-only smokers and nonsmokers. The study found that rates of emphysema, airway inflammation and enlarged breast tissue were higher in marijuana than in tobacco smokers.

The scans showed that 75% of the marijuana smokers had emphysema. Slightly less than 70% of tobacco-only smokers had emphysema, while only 5% of nonsmokers had it.