Rocky Mountain News Editor Swipes at Bob...
Tuesday April 26th, 2005. This is show # 82.
Tuesday April 26th, 2005. This is show # 82.
Regarding Salazar’s current filibuster of judges, since almost all Republican judges are pro-choice and pro-homosexuality, and since all six of the Reagan/Bush Sr./W. Bush judges on the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals voted for starving Terri Schindler to death, and since the Moral Majority/Christian Coalition/Focus on the Family quarter-century strategy of getting godly judges through Republican victories has utterly failed, and since it was a Republican Supreme Court which legalized abortion, and since Republicans have nominated seven of our nine Supreme Court Justices making it a solidly pro-abortion court, and since even the “pro-life” Justices are actually pro-choice on abortion if passed legislatively, and since even they have never declared an unborn child’s fundamental right to life as a living human being and as a constitutionally protected class of “our posterity,” and since a Republican-nominated judge wrote the U.S. 9th Circuit ruling against the words “under God” in the Pledge, and since Republican-supported judges issue so many of the most anti-Christian rulings in America, and since George W. Bush has upheld his very first campaign promise to ignore abortion when nominating judges, therefore passionate Christians opposed to the killing of unborn children should see Salazar’s filibuster of Republican judges as having no effect whatsoever on America’s moral decline.-Pastor Bob Enyart,