I trust in God and His written word. I simply acknowledge that all translations have biases and errors. Every one of them including the KJV.
And just how would you know that all of them had errors,
w/o the infallible standard, by which to judge those errors? Let me guess: Here is a fake bible, filled with errors, and I will use it, to correct other fake bibles, that are also riddled with errors, to arrive at perfection.
=log in, lose your mind....Lunacy....Straight jacket time....Can't be done. Son, if you don't have an infallible source authority, you can't correct any bible, much less arrive at purity, perfection......
Observe, the deception. The drone, asserts, out of one side of his mouth...
"I trust in God and
His written word..."-you
...and, out the other, that all translations have errors. Which means, inevitably, if we are sane,
since he claims to have/trust God's "written word":
1. God's written word has errors, and,
2. He trusts a God's "written word," that is riddled with errors.
"I trust in God and His written word"-you
Identify this "written word" of God, that, by definition, is true, pure, sound, right.....................that we can press to our heart, and proclaim, w/o reservation, "This is the pure, true, w/o error word of God....I believe every word of it."
Does it have a name? Where can we all get a copy?
And define "bible
believer," while you are at it.