Revealed! Who Can Save America...
This is the show from Wednesday January 8th, 2014
* Hypocrisy Vortex: Bob’s guest host Doug McBurney quotes a blogger who points out the useful idiocy of Time Magazine for the global cooling cartel in 1974, and now for the global warming syndicate of 2014.
* Battle Station Springfield: In an analysis of the militarization of America’s civilian police forces, find out who’s responsible, if it can be stopped, and what to expect going forward.
* Thieves Defrauded! Hear about the government program that offered welfare payments to first responders who suffered in the 9-11 attacks (which payments should not have been offered) and how that bad behavior helped lawyers and thieves to lie and steal.
* Freedom & Slavery: In Illinois the state can now issue concealed carry permits, but not in time to save at least some people from slave ship called Obamacare…
* Tebow Learns to Throw! Tim Tebow has been working at a positively Biblical pace to improve his throwing skills, and the prediction’s been made that Tebow will return to the NFL better than ever!
* God’s (cold) Criminal Justice System: Hear about the escaped convict who was motivated by God’s Polar Vortex to himself in! See! The system works!
* Agony & Terror: Are just two of the experiences your host wishes upon a convicted murderer in Ohio who’s begging for mercy.
* A Bunch of Hot Air: While talk show hosts, politicians and lawyers roll out their shiny new plans to save America in 2014, your host cuts to the chase regarding the only hope for avoiding the catastrophe to come!
This is the show from Wednesday January 8th, 2014
* Hypocrisy Vortex: Bob’s guest host Doug McBurney quotes a blogger who points out the useful idiocy of Time Magazine for the global cooling cartel in 1974, and now for the global warming syndicate of 2014.
* Battle Station Springfield: In an analysis of the militarization of America’s civilian police forces, find out who’s responsible, if it can be stopped, and what to expect going forward.
* Thieves Defrauded! Hear about the government program that offered welfare payments to first responders who suffered in the 9-11 attacks (which payments should not have been offered) and how that bad behavior helped lawyers and thieves to lie and steal.
* Freedom & Slavery: In Illinois the state can now issue concealed carry permits, but not in time to save at least some people from slave ship called Obamacare…
* Tebow Learns to Throw! Tim Tebow has been working at a positively Biblical pace to improve his throwing skills, and the prediction’s been made that Tebow will return to the NFL better than ever!
* God’s (cold) Criminal Justice System: Hear about the escaped convict who was motivated by God’s Polar Vortex to himself in! See! The system works!
* Agony & Terror: Are just two of the experiences your host wishes upon a convicted murderer in Ohio who’s begging for mercy.
* A Bunch of Hot Air: While talk show hosts, politicians and lawyers roll out their shiny new plans to save America in 2014, your host cuts to the chase regarding the only hope for avoiding the catastrophe to come!