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From “Justification by Faith and Eschatology”
Robert Brinsmead
Editor, PRESENT TRUTH, Sep. 1974
“The resurrection of Jesus from the dead was declared to be the fulfillment of what God had promised to Abraham, Israel and David.” P5
“Christ was not only the means of God’s fulfilling His word to Israel; He was the means of Israel’s fulfilling her contract to God.” P6
“Christ is the Mediator of the covenant. Through Him and in Him Israel fulfilled all her promises to God. All this was completed by Christ’s death on the Cross. Also, through Him and in Him God fulfilled all His promises to Israel. All this was accomplished in Christ’s resurrection from the dead.” P6
“That which God gave to Israel in the Law and under the Law—tabernacle, Canaan, Jerusalem, kings, etc.—was the old covenant, and at best it could only point to something better.” P8
“The Church is…an eschatological community, a people who not only are destined to inherit the consummated Kingdom but also have already experienced the powers and blessings of that Kingdom through the coming of the Holy Spirit in history.”—G.E. Ladd, p10
“The ordinary man in church thinks far more about his going than about Christ’s coming.” P18
“E.B. Elliott presented a thorough, documented history of the rise of futurism and preterism from (counter-Reformation) Jesuit sources.” P31
“A Judaizing corruption of the Gospel has lead to a Judaizing concept of prophecy and eschatology.” P36
“The Seed of Abraham is Jesus Christ. It includes all who are in Christ and excludes all outside of Christ.” P41
“Abraham was justified by faith and every Gentile who is justified by faith becomes a son of Abraham.” P41
“Crass literalness is in keeping with the method of interpretation used by the Pharisees.” P42
The NT references to the new Israel:
I Pet.2; Mt.21; Rev.1; Rev. 4; Rev. 5; Eph.1, 2; John 1; 2 Cor. 6; James 1, 4; Eph.5; 2 Cor. 11 (the bride theme)
Robert Brinsmead
Editor, PRESENT TRUTH, Sep. 1974
“The resurrection of Jesus from the dead was declared to be the fulfillment of what God had promised to Abraham, Israel and David.” P5
“Christ was not only the means of God’s fulfilling His word to Israel; He was the means of Israel’s fulfilling her contract to God.” P6
“Christ is the Mediator of the covenant. Through Him and in Him Israel fulfilled all her promises to God. All this was completed by Christ’s death on the Cross. Also, through Him and in Him God fulfilled all His promises to Israel. All this was accomplished in Christ’s resurrection from the dead.” P6
“That which God gave to Israel in the Law and under the Law—tabernacle, Canaan, Jerusalem, kings, etc.—was the old covenant, and at best it could only point to something better.” P8
“The Church is…an eschatological community, a people who not only are destined to inherit the consummated Kingdom but also have already experienced the powers and blessings of that Kingdom through the coming of the Holy Spirit in history.”—G.E. Ladd, p10
“The ordinary man in church thinks far more about his going than about Christ’s coming.” P18
“E.B. Elliott presented a thorough, documented history of the rise of futurism and preterism from (counter-Reformation) Jesuit sources.” P31
“A Judaizing corruption of the Gospel has lead to a Judaizing concept of prophecy and eschatology.” P36
“The Seed of Abraham is Jesus Christ. It includes all who are in Christ and excludes all outside of Christ.” P41
“Abraham was justified by faith and every Gentile who is justified by faith becomes a son of Abraham.” P41
“Crass literalness is in keeping with the method of interpretation used by the Pharisees.” P42
The NT references to the new Israel:
I Pet.2; Mt.21; Rev.1; Rev. 4; Rev. 5; Eph.1, 2; John 1; 2 Cor. 6; James 1, 4; Eph.5; 2 Cor. 11 (the bride theme)