Republicans want to dismantle Obamacare!!


New member

I certainly hope they do. It is creepy.

I mean people talk about higher deductibles, higher premiums, increasing gov dependency.

All those are bad and undesirable

but what is downright CREEPY is how the gov will have access to all our health care information...

and soon they will be deciding who lives and who dies... if they're not doing that already..

Some states (OR, WA) are pretty much there (dr assisted suicide)

God help us..



Well-known member
:yawn: Republicans don’t support a free market in medical care, medical treatment, medical devices, medical drugs, medical licensing, medical education, medical insurance, medical facilities, medical records, medical research, or alternative medicine.


New member
:yawn: Republicans don’t support a free market in medical care, medical treatment, medical devices, medical drugs, medical licensing, medical education, medical insurance, medical facilities, medical records, medical research, or alternative medicine.

another lib lie