Republican Party: "We Don't Need the Social Issues"


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Republican Party: We Don't Need the Social Issues

This is the show from Wednesday, November 7th, 2012.


DENVER, Election Day, Nov. 6, 2012 -- Republican "moderates" like Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney lose elections, while candidates that have at least appealed to the party's pro-life core, like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, win by energizing the base.

So, disdaining their pro-family base, the Republican Party has bragged that it is moving away from what they call the "social" issues, the sanctity of life and of marriage. Of course however, the very foundation of human civilization is the non-negotiable God-given right to life and the sanctity of marriage.

Republican power brokers hostile to biblical values surrender presidential election after election to big-spending socialist Democrats because they actually would rather risk that outcome than nominate a candidate who will invigorate the base by fighting for the life of the unborn child and for the sanctity of marriage. And predictably, such RINO Republicans will argue the exact opposite, that if Republicans want to win, they need to become increasingly liberal, that is, pro-homosexuality, pro-abortion, pro-socialist, anti-marriage, etc. However, if the country is offered a candidate like Mitt Romney, who is a government health care reformist, implementer of homosexual marriage, pro-abortion, socialist, well then, why not just stick with the openly liberal party, because it's hard to out-Democrat a Democrat. The party leaders have moved so far to the left, that they're competing with the Democrats on the liberal agenda. more...

Today’s Resource: You can order Focus on the Strategy 3 as well as Focus on the Strategy 1 & 2 DVD combo containing the blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy. Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists revealing a presentation given to Focus on the Family to Dr. James Dobson's V.P. Tom Minnery and their Public Policy group. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II, with its dozens of video and audio clips which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end 'legalized' abortion. And now, Focus 3 presents American RTL's three-pronged strategy of how to end abortion! Please watch these vitally important videos online or order the above DVDs, and consider getting a set for a friend, for a pro-life leader or activist you know, and for your local pro-life organization!

* Reporter for Belgium TV & Radio Interviews Bob: After concluding the election interview with Bob Enyart and Leslie Hanks, the foreign reporter again set up her video camera to record Bob's comments on the widespread discoveries of dinosaur soft tissue. Julie Calleeuw posted that brief video clip on YouTube.


New member
Republican "moderates" like Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney lose elections, while candidates that have at least appealed to the party's pro-life core, like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, win by energizing the base.

President George W. Bush did not introduce, lobby for, nor sign any law that acknowledged the right to life and so could stop the killing of even a single child. Instead he had an enormous pro-abortion influence, e.g., giving Planned Parenthood hundreds of millions of dollars more than did even Bill Clinton.​

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New member
Hall of Fame
It appears the most stridently anti-gay and pro-life candidates got whipped this year. And in the primaries the more pro-life presidential candidates all fell apart or were horribly disqualified for the job. The GOP's at a crossroads: it can either change its approach (maybe tone the rape talk down, guys) or change its ideology. Whatever it's doing isn't working.


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
President George W. Bush did not introduce, lobby for, nor sign any law that acknowledged the right to life and so could stop the killing of even a single child. Instead he had an enormous pro-abortion influence, e.g., giving Planned Parenthood hundreds of millions of dollars more than did even Bill Clinton.​
No one is calling GWB pro-life.:nono:

Bob and Jefferson are involved with the website you linked to, they know.

Bob was simply saying that Bush II made statements and claims that painted him as 100% pro-life when he was running for office.