Refuting Professor Dave Pt III - Oct 4, 2024


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Refuting Professor Dave Pt III

*More On Professor Dave: Again this week Fred Williams and Doug McBurney take on one of Youtube's deeper basement dwellers: "Professor Dave" (David James Farina) and his thinly veiled cries for momma disguised as "debunking" God's record of creation.

*Holey Cheese: Fred compares "professor" Dave's debunking tactics to a hunk of swiss cheese, full of holes, attractive to rats and mice (and the longer it sits around the stinkier it gets). Unlike his debate with James Tour, which for Christian creationists is aging quite well thank you very much.

*The Stuff of Giants: In the case of David James the stuff is straw and his straw men fall like rhetorical giants, slain by the distractional force of irrelevant assertions, (like his assertion that creationists fear telescopes).

*Elephants in the Room: Hear a point by point debunking of David James' careful "bunking" around all the elephantine facts that falsify his big bang, evolutionary naturalistic worldview, (like the growing mountain of evidence against the Big Bang being accumulated just by the Hubble, JWST, & Planck telescopes)!
