Rebuttal to Daqq's Posted OP "Christian Azazel Atonement Theory"


What is this again with you warning me and quoting Jer 23:26?
You are again insinuating that I am a liar. That is precisely why your doctrine is being destroyed. Do you not remember the warning you yourself received? If you do not actually have scripture to back up what you say then you should not be judging others but rather doing as the Master says and treating others as you would like to be treated. You show once again, by judging me, exactly how you would like to be treated; and so shall you be treated. :)

But as for all your quotes you need to be able to expound them and make your case rather than simply spewing out a bunch of passage chapter and verse references and saying they make you right. You clearly do not understand what you read because all of those passages you quoted, which make references to a sacrifice for sins, have nothing to do with the goat sent away to Azazel. The goat that is sent away into the desert to-for Azazel is NOT sacrificed: neither sacrificed, nor eaten, nor partaken of. Its blood is never shed except in tradition where it was thrown over a rocky cliff. And do you know why that tradition came to be? Because of the possibility of the CATASTROPHIC implications of the goat wandering back into the camp with all the sins of the people upon its mortally wounded head. Therefore, as I said, the author of Hebrews says this:

Hebrews 9:28 KJV
28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Hebrews 9:28 ASV
28 so Christ also, having been once offered to bear the sins of many, shall appear a second time, apart from sin, to them that wait for him, unto salvation.

Messiah appears the second time WITHOUT SIN, APART FROM SIN, and this statement is right in the midst of the discourse on Yom Kippurim, (Hebrews chapters nine and ten). There is no way this author imagined, as you do, that "Jesus became his Azazel". And now I'm warning you: your warnings are empty because you do not know the scripture. :chuckle:

I state that Jesus Bore the Sins of All humanity for "All Time" and never once has been with a single sin. I further state that Jesus is YHWH incarnate and again, the Spirit of Jesus is what we call "The Holy Spirit" (Romans 8:9)

Daqq has misrepresented me in one of his responses to me and he is butchering scripture at this juncture on a very deep matter...

Thus... I submit this OP as a counter OP. I did not want to do so, but I am certain it should be posted.

You are accidentally calling Satan our Sin Bearer. Hebrews 13:13 is clear who bore our "shame" outside the camp.

You are accidentally blaspheming the Holy Spirit of Christ and Associating Him with Satan by calling Him a "Desert Demon". The name Azazal carries significant reference to Mark3:20-29 and it carries multiple meanings on multiple layers of Spiritual allegory.

Jesus (YHWH Incarnated) took the place of "Gentile, Demon, Ungodly, Adversarial, Heathen" peoples... cursed to Death's reign... and appeared before "YHWH Father" and "Adversary" as a shaggy goat man (Zechariah 3) (Genesis 27:9-10, 18-29) because of our collective sins that He bore. ... This is genuine Spiritual allegory bolstered by (John 5:39)

Zechariah 3 explains what happened and (1 Peter 3:18-22) bolsters this ... Romans 8:9 parallel to Luke 23:46
Brings this home....


Here is the full scriptural path to backing up my assertion...

Rv. 12:3-4 to Ezekiel 28:13-17, 2-5 to Isaiah 14:12-15,19 to Genesis 3:1-5, 14-15 to Psalms 89:37-45; Matthew 2:16-18

Rv. 12:5 to Genesis 49:8-12 to Isaiah 7:14-15 to Luke 1:46-55 to Luke 2:4-20
(John 13:33 - John 14:6 parallel with Matthew 26:31-35) to Matthew 27:50-53 to Luke 24:46 to (1 Peter 3:18-20 parallel with Philippians 1:19)

Zechariah 3:1-2 to Jude 1:9 to Deuteronomy 4:20 to Amos 4:11 to Acts 7:56 to Job 2:2-5 to James 2:13

........... Zechariah 3:3-5 to Leviticus 22:3 to Galatians 3:19-26 to John 16:8-11 to Deuteronomy 19:15-21 to Deuteronomy 17:6 to Philippians 2:5-11 to 1 Timothy 2:5-6 to 1 Timothy 3:4-7 to 1 Timothy 3:16 to 2 Timothy 1:8-10 to 1 John 4:6-9 to 1 John 5:7 to John 18:37 to John 19:10, 12 to Ephesians 4:8

Zechariah 3:6-7 to Psalms 2:2, 6-12

Zechariah 3:8 to John 15:1-8 to Hebrews 4:8-16

Zechariah 3:9 to 1 Peter 2:1-10 to Revelation 3:21 to Revelation 3:12 to Revelation 3:5 to Zechariah 3:3 to Revelation 2:17 to Revelation 2:25-29 to Revelation 5:6 to Revelation 12:7-12 to 1 Peter 5:8-9 to Hebrews 2:14 to Revelation 1:8

Zechariah 3:10; 6:9-15 to John 15:1

Zechariah 6:9-15 to Revelation 4:10-11 to Revelation 11:16-18 to Revelation 19:11-12, 21

Hebrews 4:8-9 to Matthew 11:25-30 to Matthew 12:7 to Hebrews 4:10 to Romans 4:4-5 to Hebrews 4:11 to Psalms 95:7-11 to Exodus 17:1-7 to Numbers 20:2-13

Hebrews 4:11 to Deuteronomy 12:9 to Hebrews 4:12-13 to Galatians 3:22 to John 5:39 to John 3:16-17 to Hebrews 4:14-16

#I'm just a human being and everything I say is opinion and not Spiritual fact... but I recorded this over 5 years ago and this is the first time I've ever shared it in full.

Please understand that this is precious pearls to me... but I do not seek anything else than the Glory of Jesus to the Joy of the Father and Guidance of the Spirit of Christ.

- Evil.Eye.<(I)>
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Well-known member
I state that Jesus Bore the Sins of All humanity for "All Time" and never once has been with a single sin. I further state that Jesus is YHWH incarnate and again, the Spirit of Jesus is what we call "The Holy Spirit" (Romans 8:9)

Daqq has misrepresented me in one of his responses to me and he is butchering scripture at this juncture on a very deep matter...

Thus... I submit this OP as a counter OP. I did not want to do so, but I am certain it should be posted.

You are accidentally calling Satan our Sin Bearer. Hebrews 13:13 is clear who bore our "shame" outside the camp.

You are accidentally blaspheming the Holy Spirit of Christ and Associating Him with Satan by calling Him a "Desert Demon". The name Azazal carries significant reference to Mark3:20-29 and it carries multiple meanings on multiple layers of Spiritual allegory.

Jesus (YHWH Incarnated) took the place of "Gentile, Demon, Ungodly, Adversarial, Heathen" peoples... cursed to Death's reign... and appeared before "YHWH Father" and "Adversary" as a shaggy goat man (Zechariah 3) (Genesis 27:9-10, 18-29) because of our collective sins that He bore. ... This is genuine Spiritual allegory bolstered by (John 5:39)

Zechariah 3 explains what happened and (1 Peter 3:18-22) bolsters this ... Romans 8:9 parallel to Luke 23:46
Brings this home....


Here is the full scriptural path to backing up my assertion...

Rv. 12:3-4 to Ezekiel 28:13-17, 2-5 to Isaiah 14:12-15,19 to Genesis 3:1-5, 14-15 to Psalms 89:37-45; Matthew 2:16-18

Rv. 12:5 to Genesis 49:8-12 to Isaiah 7:14-15 to Luke 1:46-55 to Luke 2:4-20
(John 13:33 - John 14:6 parallel with Matthew 26:31-35) to Matthew 27:50-53 to Luke 24:46 to (1 Peter 3:18-20 parallel with Philippians 1:19)

Zechariah 3:1-2 to Jude 1:9 to Deuteronomy 4:20 to Amos 4:11 to Acts 7:56 to Job 2:2-5 to James 2:13

........... Zechariah 3:3-5 to Leviticus 22:3 to Galatians 3:19-26 to John 16:8-11 to Deuteronomy 19:15-21 to Deuteronomy 17:6 to Philippians 2:5-11 to 1 Timothy 2:5-6 to 1 Timothy 3:4-7 to 1 Timothy 3:16 to 2 Timothy 1:8-10 to 1 John 4:6-9 to 1 John 5:7 to John 18:37 to John 19:10, 12 to Ephesians 4:8

Zechariah 3:6-7 to Psalms 2:2, 6-12

Zechariah 3:8 to John 15:1-8 to Hebrews 4:8-16

Zechariah 3:9 to 1 Peter 2:1-10 to Revelation 3:21 to Revelation 3:12 to Revelation 3:5 to Zechariah 3:3 to Revelation 2:17 to Revelation 2:25-29 to Revelation 5:6 to Revelation 12:7-12 to1 Peter 5:8-9 to Hebrews 2:14 to Revelation 1:8

Zechariah 3:10; 6:9-15 to John 15:1

Zechariah 6:9-15 to Revelation 4:10-11 to Revelation 11:16-18 to Revelation 19:11-12, 21

Hebrews 4:8-9 to Matthew 11:25-30 to Matthew 12:7 to Hebrews 4:10 to Romans 4:4-5 to Hebrews 4:11 to Psalms 95:7-11 to Exodous 17:1-7 to Numbers 20:2-13

Hebrews 4:11 to Deuteronomy 12:9 to Hebrews 4:12-13 to Galatians 3:22 to John 5:39 to John 3:16-17 to Hebrews 4:14-16

#Im just a human being and everything I say is opinion and not Spiritual fact... but I recorded this over 5 years ago and this is the first time I've ever shared it in full.

Please understand that this is precious pearls to me... but I do not seek anything else than the Glory of Jesus to the Joy of the Father and Guidence of the Spirit of Christ.

- Evil.Eye.<(I)>

Another call out thread?


:chicken: "Since you will not exegete my drive-up window catalogue of verses and passages for me, and believe what I say about them, I will start my own counter-thread about the same exact topic and call you out again like the chicken little coward that I am."

And no doubt you do this because your premises have already been refuted:
Christian Azazel Atonement Theory

:Nineveh::nuke: :Nineveh:


Another call out thread?


:chicken: "Since you will not exegete my drive-up window catalogue of verses and passages for me, and believe what I say about them, I will start my own counter-thread about the same exact topic and call you out again like the chicken little coward that I am."

And no doubt you do this because your premises have already been refuted:
Christian Azazel Atonement Theory

:Nineveh::nuke: :Nineveh:

None of this proves your very first assertion concerning Hebrews 13:13.

Boiyoiyoiyoiyoing . . . You lose . . . Thank you for playing . . . :loser: :Nineveh:


Im DEADLY serious right now... you are tampering with things you are not seeing. I'm not going to joke around. I'm not being funny here.

You don't understand "Who" the Holy Spirit is... (Philippians 1:19)

This is why you don't understand Hebrews 13:13 ...

I retain that you have not and can't refute what I have posted because of your "Arian" error. You are my brother "In" Christ... but... Brother, you are being severely naive with your OP and your embracing of the core doctrine that tanks SDA theology. Perhaps your "Arian" error led you to this belief... but... Lovingly... I'm telling you that you are severely wrong.

You can't even teach the gospel in simple terms Daqq. I can do it in three sentences. There is a major error that is hurting you, concerning theological matters you have discussed lately.

All your hooping and hollering doesn't change the fact that my counter OP and post dismembers your assertion and exalts Jesus as YHWH, Savior and immediate propitiation...

You don't even understand propitiation Daqq... you would begin to see what you are severely screwing up... but you can't even get that right. Faith Daqq... the WORK of ONE Daqq.

One Sin Bearer... Many Sins.


Lazy afternoon


Im DEADLY serious right now... you are tampering with things you are not seeing. I'm not going to joke around. I'm not being funny here.

You don't understand "Who" the Holy Spirit is... (Philippians 1:19)

This is why you don't understand Hebrews 13:13 ...

I retain that you have not and can't refute what I have posted because of your "Arian" error. You are my brother "In" Christ... but... Brother, you are being severely naive with your OP and your embracing of the core doctrine that tanks SDA theology. Perhaps your "Arian" error led you to this belief... but... Lovingly... I'm telling you that you are severely wrong.

You can't even teach the gospel in simple terms Daqq. I can do it in three sentences. There is a major error that is hurting you, concerning theological matters you have discussed lately.

All your hooping and hollering doesn't change the fact that my counter OP and post dismembers your assertion and exalts Jesus as YHWH, Savior and immediate propitiation...

You don't even understand propitiation Daqq... you would begin to see what you are severely screwing up... but you can't even get that right. Faith Daqq... the WORK of ONE Daqq.

One Sin Bearer... Many Sins.


You say Jesus spirit is the Holy Spirit, thus denying Gods Son who is a man with a glorified spirit soul and body.



Oh yes, that is really important to know isn't it!
So that you may know how to go about labeling and setting apart for slaughter! :rotfl:

To me, Daqq...

It's important to know for theology... I have constantly stood up for you and other Arians. I blasted AMR about the matter of fellowship and on one of my responses to Kingdom Rose... I explained why I reject the Trinity "Doctrine" of men. I simply use the Bible and call you my friend and sibling "in" Christ... that I agree to disagree with.

But... nooooooooooooo... you have to get ALLLLL touchy and unfriend me!

So you have theological Down Syndrome.... big deal! Jesus even loves His "theologically slow" kids.

; )


Oh yes, that is really important to know isn't it!
So that you may know how to go about labeling and setting apart for slaughter! :rotfl:

Yes, Trinitarians worship their trinity doctrine more than anything else.


To me, Daqq...

It's important to know for theology... I have constantly stood up for you and other Arians. I blasted AMR about the matter of fellowship and on one of my responses to Kingdom Rose... I explained why I reject the Trinity "Doctrine" of men. I simply use the Bible and call you my friend and sibling "in" Christ... that I agree to disagree with.

But... nooooooooooooo... you have to get ALLLLL touchy and unfriend me!

So you have theological Down Syndrome.... big deal! Jesus even loves His "theologically slow" kids.

; )

what you say does not mean anything. You always post mixed messages. Your tactics are so clever, meaning sleazy..


Well-known member
To me, Daqq...

It's important to know for theology... I have constantly stood up for you and other Arians. I blasted AMR about the matter of fellowship and on one of my responses to Kingdom Rose... I explained why I reject the Trinity "Doctrine" of men. I simply use the Bible and call you my friend and sibling "in" Christ... that I agree to disagree with.

But... nooooooooooooo... you have to get ALLLLL touchy and unfriend me!

So you have theological Down Syndrome.... big deal! Jesus even loves His "theologically slow" kids.

; )

Same kind of human debasement your fathers committed in Nazi Germany; belittling to the point of dehumanizing others into what you consider in your mind to be almost subhuman categories, and that you do so that you can label and mark those you oppose for setting aside into groups which you deem inferior to yourself and your own highly esteemed club of elitist beleeeeevers. You may not literally be doing it outright in physical terms but you are doing it here, in internet-forum-speak, using the same tactics; and to boot, you pretend to love "the Jews" as you go about plotting your various revenge threads. Sad thing is you reveal these very things by the blazingly clear fact that you are even willing to use down syndrome people to make your sick jokes.


Same kind of human debasement your fathers committed in Nazi Germany; belittling to the point of dehumanizing others into what you consider in your mind to be almost subhuman categories, and that you do so that you can label and mark those you oppose for setting aside into groups which you deem inferior to yourself and your own highly esteemed club of elitist beleeeeevers. You may not literally be doing it outright in physical terms but you are doing it here, in internet-forum-speak, using the same tactics; and to boot, you pretend to love "the Jews" as you go about plotting your various revenge threads. Sad thing is you reveal these very things by the blazingly clear fact that you are even willing to use down syndrome people to make your sick jokes.

I'm Jewish Daqq... I know about the Jehovah's Witnesses massacre too! I'm sorry it hurts your feelings, but I would be your friend and fight over scripture with you any day. I genuinely love you Daqq. You told me that not standing up for what God has impressed me of is wrong... so I'm listening. I don't say you are without the Holy Spirit and I don't call you lost. I use humor to cover up the pain I have inside that you are missing the greatest joy of all!

I know... I'm wrong in your eyes. I really Love you Daqq... It hurts to theologically scuffle with you!

Like... my heart hurts.

I'll always be here to be a friend... if you ever want my friendship....... and, I'll take 1000 punches in the face from anyone that questions your Love for Yeshua.

I simply won't lie to you... He's God Daqq... what more can I say.

Your requited friend... Evil.Eye.<(I)>

# Always your friend in the "Fellowship" of the King of kings... willing to agree to disagree with you and even buy the first round... any day of the year.

R.I.P. [MENTION=18263]Nameless.In.Grace[/MENTION]


Well-known member
I'm Jewish Daqq... I know about the Jehovah's Witnesses massacre too! I'm sorry it hurts your feelings, but I would be your friend and fight over scripture with you any day. I genuinely love you Daqq. You told me that not standing up for what God has impressed me of is wrong... so I'm listening. I don't say you are without the Holy Spirit and I don't call you lost. I use humor to cover up the pain I have inside that you are missing the greatest joy of all!

I know... I'm wrong in your eyes. I really Love you Daqq... It hurts to theologically scuffle with you!

Like... my heart hurts.

I'll always be here to be a friend... if you ever want my friendship....... and, I'll take 1000 punches in the face from anyone that questions your Love for Yeshua.

I simply won't lie to you... He's God Daqq... what more can I say.

Your requited friend... Evil.Eye.<(I)>

# Always your friend in the "Fellowship" of the King of kings... willing to agree to disagree with you and even buy the first round... any day of the year.

R.I.P. @Nameless.In.Grace

Again, you are insinuating slanderous things in your response with dragon tears in your eyes like Herod. Why do you mention anything about a "Jehovah's Witness massacre"? I have no clue what you are talking about so you apparently know more about them than I do. I already told you that I am not a JW. If the rest of what you say were true you would not still be trying to slander me or my understanding of the Word. You will never succeed in separating me from Messiah of YHWH who is His Word no matter how hard you try and how devious your slippery verbage. :)


Again, you are insinuating slanderous things in your response with dragon tears in your eyes like Herod. Why do you mention anything about a "Jehovah's Witness massacre"? I have no clue what you are talking about so you apparently know more about them than I do. I already told you that I am not a JW. If the rest of what you say were true you would not still be trying to slander me or my understanding of the Word. You will never succeed in separating me from Messiah of YHWH who is His Word no matter how hard you try and how devious your slippery verbage. :)


Take some Butt Hurt be gone and... yeah.

I warned you that I didn't want to scuffle. Call me when they drop, so we can be friends again.


Well-known member

Take some Butt Hurt be gone and... yeah.

I warned you that I didn't want to scuffle. Call me when they drop, so we can be friends again.

So the real Evil.Eye.<(I)> rears its ugly head and the cursings and threatenings begin.
That boil in your forehead is beginning to fester just like your pal Sssssssssaint John of Marcion.



Well-known member
I'm Jewish Daqq...

By the way, this just goes to show that "being Jewish" means nothing if it does not include Judaism. You might as well be a secular Jew because according to Judaism you are not a Jew anyway; for no religious, and especially not an orthodox Jew, would believe what you do. You seem to think that just because you are Jewish that gives you some special privilege to be "right" in what you believe; but sorry to tell you, I learned long ago that Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9 apply to any and all who claim the name of the Meshiah of YHWH, the Lion of tribe Yhudah. Do as Paul says and count your fleshly status as loss, (Phil 3:3-11), so as to gain the excellency of the knowledge of Meshiah. Your flesh and his mindset is killing you, part yourself asunder as I explained to you, O man. This is the hardest thing for a Jew to do, but if not, you will not become Yhudi. ;)

patrick jane

By the way, this just goes to show that "being Jewish" means nothing if it does not include Judaism. You might as well be a secular Jew because according to Judaism you are not a Jew anyway; for no religious, and especially not an orthodox Jew, would believe what you do. You seem to think that just because you are Jewish that gives you some special privilege to be "right" in what you believe; but sorry to tell you, I learned long ago that Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9 apply to any and all who claim the name of the Meshiah of YHWH, the Lion of tribe Yhudah. Do as Paul says and count your fleshly status as loss, (Phil 3:3-11), so as to gain the excellency of the knowledge of Meshiah. Your flesh and his mindset is killing you, part yourself asunder as I explained to you, O man. This is the hardest thing for a Jew to do, but if not, you will not become Yhudi. ;)
Another daqq attack !!!