Reasons our 18-34 yr old snowflakes are melting.


New member
These young people are smart, well-educated (in the 21st century sense of the word), and hold responsible jobs. They aren’t discontented ne’er-do-wells. Most of them, in spite of having sat in my classroom, are left of center and are filled with self-righteous indignation, and they are scared. I’ve been mulling this over, trying to figure out why fear is such a big part of this and I have some ideas.

For one thing, the 18-25 age group has never consciously known any other administration than Barack Obama’s. They have no personal experience with a Constitutional president. They see the presidency as an absolute power and seem to think that Trump will just sail into the Oval Office and start wildly issuing near-Papal bulls outlawing birth control and locking up the LGBT crowd. They seem to think that he can, within days, pack the Supreme Court -– whether anyone resigns or not.

It is true that he can rescind any of Obama’s holy decrees that he chooses, and when he chooses –- but that’s what we all elected him to do. He can, if he wants, send back to the states responsibilities that the federal government had previously absorbed, as per the 10th Amendment. It’s interesting that this seems to be scary to these young people; I suspect they’ve grown accustomed to thinking of the federal government as a deity of sorts and find the dissolution of that god frightening.

They are really, really scared about global warming and Trump’s disdain for the concept. I noticed this fear years ago when I was still in the classroom. My colleagues were doing a bang-up job terrifying kids about this issue –- I read hundreds of papers (I was an English teacher) wherein students bemoaned the fate of the planet. Occasionally one would come flying into my classroom, breathless and shocked, asking if it was true that I didn’t believe in global warming. Well that chicken has come home to roost. How are we going to unteach all these well-drenched people that it was all nonsense to begin with? It’s easy to prove, but this will take much more than proof.

They also seem to have no idea what danger the nation has been in for the last eight years. They should have been frightened then, very frightened. In fact, they seem to have no concern at all for our national entity. They care about themselves and their families, but not for the nation, and not for their freedom -- in any sense other than their cherished license to climb into bed with whomever, whenever, sans consequences.

They’ve been most thoroughly taught that there is no absolute truth, and no objective reality. Therefore, they have felt fine believing that their own made-up rules of behavior are valid and must be obeyed by everyone; that if they want socialism to work, it will; that white people are the cause of all problems; that human nature can be changed by banning words; that ISIS is okay and no danger to us; that their freedoms and prosperity will always, effortlessly go on forever; and, most importantly, that the Constitution is irrelevant.

Trump’s election poked a huge hole in that balloon and these kids hit the ground with a spine-cracking thud. They had actually believed the media and the polls. This is not their fault, however. They had believed their teachers, their parents, the culture at large. Their brains, despite being efficient and filled with all kinds of impressive expertise, are thoroughly saturated with the idea that all conservatives are, to quote a recent presidential candidate, “deplorable;” that what people say is more important than what they do; and that lying to achieve a properly leftist agenda is just fine.

This election’s outcome has them pretty thoroughly discombobulated. It’s starting to dawn on them that all that fairytale stuff they’ve been stuffed with may not be true, a rough landing indeed.

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Snowflakes are the direct result of their 'education'.

It's ridiculous that this is the case, but it's something to be acknowledged now and not later- these schools and colleges are where these young people learned all this madness- you have to be a liberal to gracefully get through your education now just as one has to be in order to be successful in the media.

It should serve as a wake up call as to what has been going on and why the reaction to Trump's election should've been expected. They have all become brainwashed.


I recall a video where these feminist were harassing this guy and asked his name. He said his name was Hugh Mungus :chuckle: and they immediately shouted 'sexual assault!'.

You can only blame other people so far before they need to take accountability.

One can sit there and call these kids 'smart' and 'well educated' all one wants, but they are morons. No need to divinize a college education as much more than a technicality to shoehorn one into a job other people could do :rolleyes:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
These young people are smart, well-educated (in the 21st century sense of the word), and hold responsible jobs. They aren’t discontented ne’er-do-wells. Most of them, in spite of having sat in my classroom, are left of center and are filled with self-righteous indignation, and they are scared. I’ve been mulling this over, trying to figure out why fear is such a big part of this and I have some ideas.

For one thing, the 18-25 age group has never consciously known any other administration than Barack Obama’s. They have no personal experience with a Constitutional president. They see the presidency as an absolute power and seem to think that Trump will just sail into the Oval Office and start wildly issuing near-Papal bulls outlawing birth control and locking up the LGBT crowd. They seem to think that he can, within days, pack the Supreme Court -– whether anyone resigns or not.

It is true that he can rescind any of Obama’s holy decrees that he chooses, and when he chooses –- but that’s what we all elected him to do. He can, if he wants, send back to the states responsibilities that the federal government had previously absorbed, as per the 10th Amendment. It’s interesting that this seems to be scary to these young people; I suspect they’ve grown accustomed to thinking of the federal government as a deity of sorts and find the dissolution of that god frightening.

They are really, really scared about global warming and Trump’s disdain for the concept. I noticed this fear years ago when I was still in the classroom. My colleagues were doing a bang-up job terrifying kids about this issue –- I read hundreds of papers (I was an English teacher) wherein students bemoaned the fate of the planet. Occasionally one would come flying into my classroom, breathless and shocked, asking if it was true that I didn’t believe in global warming. Well that chicken has come home to roost. How are we going to unteach all these well-drenched people that it was all nonsense to begin with? It’s easy to prove, but this will take much more than proof.

They also seem to have no idea what danger the nation has been in for the last eight years. They should have been frightened then, very frightened. In fact, they seem to have no concern at all for our national entity. They care about themselves and their families, but not for the nation, and not for their freedom -- in any sense other than their cherished license to climb into bed with whomever, whenever, sans consequences.

They’ve been most thoroughly taught that there is no absolute truth, and no objective reality. Therefore, they have felt fine believing that their own made-up rules of behavior are valid and must be obeyed by everyone; that if they want socialism to work, it will; that white people are the cause of all problems; that human nature can be changed by banning words; that ISIS is okay and no danger to us; that their freedoms and prosperity will always, effortlessly go on forever; and, most importantly, that the Constitution is irrelevant.

Trump’s election poked a huge hole in that balloon and these kids hit the ground with a spine-cracking thud. They had actually believed the media and the polls. This is not their fault, however. They had believed their teachers, their parents, the culture at large. Their brains, despite being efficient and filled with all kinds of impressive expertise, are thoroughly saturated with the idea that all conservatives are, to quote a recent presidential candidate, “deplorable;” that what people say is more important than what they do; and that lying to achieve a properly leftist agenda is just fine.

This election’s outcome has them pretty thoroughly discombobulated. It’s starting to dawn on them that all that fairytale stuff they’ve been stuffed with may not be true, a rough landing indeed.

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My Son is 40 now. He went to College and got his degree and now holds down an excellent job. However, by the time he got out of College he had been "brainwashed" into Liberalism. He and his Wife voted for Hillary. He told me he didn't like her, but, disliked Trump more. I asked him: "What has Hillary accomplished?" Suddenly, I heard the onset of a "Cricket Choir." He was well indoctrinated by his Teachers.

He's extremely intelligent, however, lacks a conservative attitude towards politics and the faith that he grew up with. If I try and bring up politics or Christianity, he goes basically, silent and not that interested. I've always been able to make him laugh, though. I have a gift of having a quick Wit. So, as long as I'm being creative and funny, I have his full attention. The next two generations are becoming progressively liberal minded. Conservativism may become more or less extinct in the near future. We need only look at the thoughts and actions of both of these last two generations to see what's going on. The Great Generation and the Baby Boomers are a dying breed.


These young people are smart, well-educated (in the 21st century sense of the word), and hold responsible jobs. They aren’t discontented ne’er-do-wells. Most of them, in spite of having sat in my classroom, are left of center and are filled with self-righteous indignation, and they are scared. I’ve been mulling this over, trying to figure out why fear is such a big part of this and I have some ideas.

Many of these misguided youth are joining misguided (Libertarians leaning) adults like yourself and are embracing the phony conservative movement called the "Alt-right".