Real Science Radio: The Case Against Pot


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RSR: The Case Against Pot

This is the show from Wednesday January 1st, 2014



RSR List of Research Showing the Harmful Effects of Marijuana Use

Pot Research and Political Correctness: For half a century now, marijuana has been overwhelmingly politically correct among the faculty and students on college campuses. Thus as with many controversial research topics, the inherent bias for and against marijuana can easily produce false study results.

Of course there are many studies showing that marijuana is harmless and endlessly beneficial. And there are decades of studies that show that:
* Abortion does not increase breast cancer [recently refuted]
* Spanking should not be part of child discipline [recently refuted]
* The death penalty is not a deterrent [long refuted]

Marijuana is intensely politically correct on college campuses where many of the pro-marijuana studies originate. Thus bias, problematic on both sides, is especially expected both to counteract the studies showing that marijuana is harmful, and as an expression of the rampant rebellion against God in the relentless effort to overturn beneficial Christian norms. By producing millions of graduates, overtly anti-Christian universities have succeeded even in turning entire professions, like law, medicine, and education, against Christ. This is one reason why conflicting studies abound on many important and moral issues. So the Christian must think outside of the box, and have the broader perspective to judge between studies, and to discern the truth from the bias.

Millions of Observers
: Millions of people believe that smoking pot makes you stupid. Yet, while long-term cigarette smoking is bad for your lungs, there are not millions of people whose observations led them to believe that tobacco lowers your IQ and makes you slow and stupid. Why the distinction? These millions of people don't believe this because they've weighed conflicting scientific studies (including those showing learning and memory impairments from using pot), but because they've seen the results first hand. Studies conflict, of course, but extensive studies show what millions have perceived, that long-term routine pot use leads to serious mental health issues. On the other hand, a nightly glass of red wine has the opposite reputation, of not making anyone slow or stupid, of sustaining mental health, and decreasing the likelihood of dementia.

Applying the principles in God's Word as best we can at Denver Bible Church (which we know does not prove that we are right), we conclude:
- that the studies that show the dangers of marijuana are telling the truth and
- that those who accept the reports that there are no serious harmful side effects to marijuana are deceived, and not all but many of those, willfully so.

Marijuana, by its harmful effects on the brain, eventually owns its users by making them think that they are more insightful than others. They think they become more creative, and smart. In reality millions of people can testify from firsthand use and from firsthand observations that regular pot use makes you stupid. Drinking a glass of red wine nightly has no similar effect.

Smoking pot makes people think they are alert and smart but it puts their minds in a fog. Potheads for example will point to websites like and claim that marijuana is responsible for ZERO deaths per year. Only those with extreme bias or dull minds would believe such a thing. Just from the few notes we're jotted down over the years for reporting on our radio program, we recall the "accident" in which a Mr. Bedell's “use of marijuana hours before the Mother’s Day crash in New Orleans that killed 22 people was the main cause of the wreck,” reported USA Today.

Pot and Mental Health: Those who defend pot tell us that reports claim there is no evidence of long-term harmful mental health effects. But just from our notes for the radio program, here are examples to the contrary. The London Telegraph wrote that a Dr. Turner, England's most senior coroner, estimates that marijuana is "a significant contributing factor" in 10% of the deaths he's worked, notably including suicides. In one British study of 853 drug-related deaths, whereas cocaine was a principal factor in 147, pot was used as the principle drug or in a cocktail in another 51 of those deaths. The Royal College of Psychiatrists reviewed research with similar results from Sweden, Holland and New Zealand. A study of 50,000 Swedish Army conscripts found that those who admitted at age 18 to having taken cannabis on more than 50 occasions were six times more likely to develop schizophrenia (paranoia, delusions, disorganized thinking, social dysfunction, etc.) in the following 15 years. A Dutch study of 4,000 people in the general population showed that those taking large amounts of cannabis were almost seven times more likely to have psychotic symptoms three years later. Such findings are largely ignored. And as I write this the Colorado State police have just announced that with the new "medical marijuana" regulations, Colorado now has a lot more people driving under the influence of marijuana than before. Even one of our own Denver Bible Church members observes that about 90% of the many mental health patients he works with for severe depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, etc., have pot use in their profiles. And another medical professional friend of DBC who works for a government health care program reports from her own experience that pot smoking appears to retard emotional maturity and that many of her patients suffer from psychosis seemingly related to their marijuana use.

* Our Favorite Hair Dresser: Bob Enyart and co-host Doug McBurney enjoy this special edition of Real Science Radio and begin by examining the deep layers of socio-anthropological meaning behind a hair-dresser disarming and beating up an armed robber. :)

* RSR Supports University of Colorado Professor on Pot: Bob and Doug excerpt the Denver Post Interview with a pharmacological sciences professor discussing some of the well known science regarding the dangers of smoking marijuana, legal or not.

* Pot Heads Abuse Minor Child: Recently added to Bob’s “Pot Never Hurt Anyone” file is this story of an Orlando couple who forced a young boy to smoke pot until he hallucinated.


New member
I doubt the quality of many of these anti-pot studies. For example, take the first, "Landmark 2012 PNAS study: pot permanently lowers IQ." I say stupid people use pot, not that pot makes people stupid. Consider that black IQ development ends sooner than that of whites (regardless of pot). And, blacks are more likely to smoke pot. So, if you didn't factor in race, this one point alone would cause you to erroneously associate pot with causing lower IQ. The same phenomenon can be seen within race, as well.

Indeed, PNAS itself published a new analysis refuting the earlier conclusion that pot lowers IQ.

Also, Jefferson, your post doesn't consider the health benefits of pot or the failure of prohibition. Is anyone on prescription anti-depressants really in a position to criticize the healthiness of less toxic pot?


New member
Political Correctness taints many studies, and whole fields of studies. My race vs. pot example in my previous post is an example where researchers would prefer to blame pot rather than race, for the sake of Political Correctness.

Many studies are done at universities where liberal bias looms large. Yes, I expect most pot researchers to spin any research as positively as they can for pot. But, I still don't see anyone with a viable argument that pot is so unhealthy that it should be banned. Our grocery stores are full of items that are certainly less healthy than pot.

The only real argument against pot the is complications from being high, and the harm of smoking anything (rather than eating pot).


New member
I doubt the quality of many of these anti-pot studies. For example, take the first, "Landmark 2012 PNAS study: pot permanently lowers IQ." I say stupid people use pot, not that pot makes people stupid. Consider that black IQ development ends sooner than that of whites (regardless of pot). And, blacks are more likely to smoke pot. So, if you didn't factor in race, this one point alone would cause you to erroneously associate pot with causing lower IQ. The same phenomenon can be seen within race, as well.

Indeed, PNAS itself published a new analysis refuting the earlier conclusion that pot lowers IQ.

Also, Jefferson, your post doesn't consider the health benefits of pot or the failure of prohibition. Is anyone on prescription anti-depressants really in a position to criticize the healthiness of less toxic pot?

Rejection also caused large (25pt) drops in IQ. SO if you have a racial group that often experiences rejection, the IQ reduction and marijuana use will be correlated, but not in a causal way.

It is interesting to note the tactic of presenting large numbers of weak studies as if quantity outweighs quality. And the absence of the research that shows that political conservatives have lower IQs on average and are more often prejudiced as a result.



New member
Um...members of the Tea Party are actually more likely to understand scientific issues than the rest of the population. See

Thanks, that is an interesting report. Your conclusion is a little off though. The Tea Party members in the survey scored trivially better than the population on average with a result that the author thought likely to disappear with subsequent studies, and were not as good as the Democrats in that measure, although that result was also weak.

The author added this: "... these high science comprehending tea-party members will be more likely to display politically biased misinterpretations of empirical data than people who display a lower science comprehension aptitude. The greater their capacity to engage in analytical thinking, the more systematically they will use that capacity to ferret out evidence congenial to their predispositions and block out and rationalize away everything else."

Ta for the link.


New member
Rejection also caused large (25pt) drops in IQ. SO if you have a racial group that often experiences rejection, the IQ reduction and marijuana use will be correlated, but not in a causal way.

If anything, rejection raises IQ. But, for the purposes of this thread, "why" black IQ is what it is (regardless of pot smoking) doesn't matter. If race isn't controlled, it would create an illusion that pot smoking lowers IQ.

It is interesting to note the tactic of presenting large numbers of weak studies as if quantity outweighs quality.

This is the point of my comparison to what's found in the grocery store. Piles of studies can be found pointing out the dangers of many things found in food. Even the healthiest foods can have negative health consequences. And, this pile of studies doesn't show pot to be any more harmful than many things found in the grocer store, most of which no one has a desire to ban