On China's Cloned Monkeys with Biologist Ann Gauger
This is the show from Friday, February 2nd, 2018
For the first time, as far as publicly known, scientists have cloned primates. Bob Enyart speaks with the Discovery Institute's Ann Gauger about the science of cloning and the immorality of even attempting to clone a human being. Dr. Gauger, Senior Fellow at the DI's Center for Science and Culture, earned her biology degree at MIT, her Ph.D. in developmental biology from the University of Washington, has done cloning work as a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard, and has had her research published by the journals Nature, Development, and Biological Chemistry. Ann is also with the Biologic Institute.
This is the show from Friday, February 2nd, 2018

For the first time, as far as publicly known, scientists have cloned primates. Bob Enyart speaks with the Discovery Institute's Ann Gauger about the science of cloning and the immorality of even attempting to clone a human being. Dr. Gauger, Senior Fellow at the DI's Center for Science and Culture, earned her biology degree at MIT, her Ph.D. in developmental biology from the University of Washington, has done cloning work as a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard, and has had her research published by the journals Nature, Development, and Biological Chemistry. Ann is also with the Biologic Institute.