Real Science Radio: List of Scholars Doubting Darwin & the Big Bang


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List of Scholars Doubting Darwin & the Big Bang

This is the show from Friday August 30th, 2013


* Nobody Doubts Darwin They Say: Do you remember that theoretical guy, Lawrence Krauss? He told Real Science Radio that, "all scientists are Darwinists." However, he forgot Ben Carson. :) When you hear consensus, consensus, consensus, you might have reason to doubt the consensus. Bob Enyart and Fred Williams review their list of lists of educated and highly-educated Darwin doubters, including many thousands of PhDs, scientists, and professors. The guys also have fun reporting on astronomers, astrophysicists and cosmologists who doubt the Big Bang. (BTW, henceforth, this show summary will be known as

* Nobody Doubts Darwin, Except for These Guys
: When anyone claims that all scientists are Darwinists, they are omitting neurosurgeon Ben Carson. And:
- 100 Ph.D.s listed at Australia's
- 200 scientists with master's degrees or Ph.D.s listed over at Answers in Genesis
- 300 medical doctors at Physicians and Surgeons who Dissent from Darwinism
- 600 advanced degreed scientist members at the Creation Research Society
- 800 scientists who signified their opposition at
- 3,000 scientists and professors, nearly, (most of whom hold a Ph.D. in some field of science) who reject secular Darwinism to varying degrees as named online by Dr. Jerry Bergman
- 30,000 U.S. public high school biology teachers do not endorse Darwinism in class
- 100,000 college professors in the U.S. alone who, according to Harvard researchers, agree that "intelligent design IS a serious scientific alternative to the Darwinian theory of evolution."
- 570,000 medical doctors in the U.S., specialists in applied science, say God brought about or directly created humans. Whereas Darwinsim is dominated by storytelling, the field of medicine is an actual applied science (see definition and applied science section below) within biology that is practiced by highly educated professionals. Thus it is significant that 60% of all U.S. medical doctors reject the strictly secular Darwinist explanation for our existence, with three of five docs agreeing that either God initiated and guided the process that led to human life or that God specially created human beings as we are.

* Of Course There's Overlap: Admittedly these lists contain some overlap but the orders of magnitude difference in the numbers indicate that the vast majority are not duplicates.

* Scientists Doubting or Rejecting the Big Bang: Unlike as with Darwinism, big bang cosmology is relatively insulated from real-world feedback because millions of professionals do not work in related fields as with biology. If hundreds of thousands of professionals received actual astronomical feedback in the same way that farmers, veternarians, and physicians do daily while working with biological systems, then surveys might show a picture similar to that regarding Darwinism. That is, if professionals interacted daily with all the astronomical data that challenges and undermines the expectations of big bang theory, then the world would likely see a similar percentage of professionals in related scientific fields rejecting the big bang too. Cosmological dogma, further removed from human observation than are theories on anatomy, "benefits" in a backward sense, from the herd mentality that reinforces the tendency to believe authorities because most people lack daily experience with first-hand evidence that may contradicting (or support) the received account. Thus when that theoretical physicist (emphasis on the theoretical), Lawerence Krauss told RSR that, "All evidence overwhelmingly supports the big bang", he of course was ignoring all the apparently contradictory evidence. So he asks expects everyone to "Trust us", i.e., trust those with the inscrutable knowledge. Scientists who doubt or outright reject the big bang include:
- acclaimed astronomer Fred Hoyle, father of stellar evolution theory
- acclaimed astrophysicists Margaret and Geoffrey Burbidge
- the hundreds of members of the young earth Creation Research Society
- the National Academy of Sciences which in 2003 published an alternative model for a bounded universe
- hundreds more scientists who are signing the extraordinary declaration at

* Meanwhile, Back in the Real World: In 2013, 62% of Americans say that they believe that God either guided the development of, or specially created, human beings. This means, of course, that none of them believe in the central tenet of Darwinism, which is that the diversity of life on Earth is explained by undirected, natural processes.

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Hunh, well for the record I raised this issue with my daughter the M.D. and my other daughter, the Ph.D. in Genetics. They are still laughing.


New member
Thus it is significant that 60% of all U.S. medical doctors reject the strictly secular Darwinist explanation for our existence, with three of five docs agreeing that either God initiated and guided the process that led to human life or that God specially created human beings as we are.

So you've lumped in theists who believe in Darwinism with YECs to make the number look bigger?

Darwinism ISN'T STRICTLY SECULAR, and to imply otherwise to produce an eye catching stat is dishonest when the headline uses this figure to imply a rejection of Darwinism.

Naughty and shameful.