Real Science Radio: Liquefaction Made Most of the Paper Thin Fossils


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Liquefaction Made Most of the Paper Thin Fossils

This is the show from Friday February 8th, 2013


* How Did Millions of Fish Get Squished Flat?
In this special edition of Real Science Radio, Kevin Lea, with his great knowledge of earthquakes, talks with Bob Enyart about a significant effect of earthquakes and strong tectonic activity: liquefaction. Pastor Lea of Calvary Church, Port Orchard, Washington, and Bob use Dr. Walt Brown's book In the Beginning as a guide to understand the worldwide effects that resulted from when the fountains of the great deep broke forth in the global flood.

* The "Law of Superposition" Is Wrong: As a general description of the world's sedimentary layers, this alleged natural "law" wrongly claims that, "Sedimentary layers are deposited in a time sequence, with the oldest on the bottom and the youngest on the top." In reality, a tremendous amount of sorting of minerals and fossils occurred underground when the continents' mile-deep sediments were first deposited.

* What is Liquefaction: See the formerly buried concrete structure above, which floated up during a Japan earthquake. Walt Brown quotes geologist Arthur Strahler, from book, Physical Geology, "These water-saturated deposits often experience a change in property known as liquefaction when shaken by an earthquake. The material loses strength to the degree that it becomes a highly fluid mud..." Kevin reports that after a recent Washington earthquake, geologists asked residents to report any sightings of mud flowing out of the ground so that they can better understand the dynamics of liquefaction.

* Flat Gaps in Strata Around the World: On the world's continents there are beautifully uniform and flat boundaries between sediments over hundreds of thousands of square miles around the globe. To a significant degree, these flat boundaries between strata are the result of the sorting after burial of minerals, vegetation (coal seams), and animal fossils.


* Bob and Kevin Disccus Liquefaction Effects: Today's RSR program discusses the tectonic effects that occurred for months after the global flood, which sorted sediments worldwide, and also created plumes, mounds, the so-called geologic column, the extraordinary purity of enormous layers of strata, extremely well defined boundaries, cyclothems of repeating patterns of layers that include coal seams (going upward: coal, sandstone, shale, limestone, clay, finer clay; with the whole pattern repeating vertically sometimes dozens of times), and much of the characteristics of fossil-bearing strata. Noah's flood helps to explain the hundreds of thousands of square miles of sediments, with similar strata spanning, and even crossing over to other, continents.

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
They're not tidal waves. They're tsunami. :)

Normal surface waves have things called wave orbitals whereby the circular motion of the water as a wave passes by decreases in diameter with depth. Tsunami, however, are not surface waves. They travel through the entire body of water. Thus the circular motion of the water is similar at surface and sea floor. This means the impact on sea floor sediment (that can only be seen with shallow depth with surface waves) is not depth dependent for a tsunami.

The explanation for the rupture of the communication lines is so compelling and the evolutionist explanation is so laughable. :chuckle: