Real Science Radio: Jesus & Anne Habermehl Use the Septuagint


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RSR: Jesus & Anne Habermehl Use the Septuagint

This is the show from Friday January 9th, 2014


Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews creation author Anne Habermehl on the Septuagint, which is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament, the version of the Scriptures frequently quoted from in the New Testament by Jesus Christ and his apostles. Instead of using a 6,000-year age for the Earth, RSR has always said that God created the Earth "less than 10,000 years ago", in part because the Septuagint's ages for the patriarchs calculates to a 7,500 year old earth. Very recently, Dr. Walt Brown's efforts, see, to scientifically date the global flood, yield a date consistent with the Septuagint.


Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Good show, good points about the versions. Funny thing on 7500 years, TOL poster Voltaire showed one date for rocks to be about 7700 years which is very close, and closer than 6000 years. Unlike the 5-20 billion year made up from thin air guesses.

The opposition to Ararat seems invalid. That doesn't mean the ark is or is not there, just the argument. A new volcano on top of sedimentary layers does not invalidate possible claims. What does invalidate it is that with all the trips there is only one reasonable photograph of something. No smoking gun though. The question is, what is that something.

The reason I think it being on top of sediment doesn't mean anything is the violent changes that happened rapidly. The sediment happened with the cracking open. The mass continent shifted into pieces after the split. But as soon as the split happens, the sediment is being dumped to a new location.