Real Science Friday's


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Super Moderator

This is the show from Friday August 10th, 2012.


* Real Science Friday Launches With today's broadcast, Denver's RSF program, airing on Colorado's most powerful radio station, announces today a new resource for the general public. RSF designed its age-of-the-earth website,, to bring accurate scientific information to a wider audience. On today's program Bob Enyart is joined by guest host Doug McBurney to make this announcement.

Announcements Atop Today:
Tonight Denver Creation Meeting: 7 p.m. at Wads. & 21st Ave. See for more.
Today Launch of a New Website
:, maintained by your RSF radio hosts Bob & Fred.
Next Friday
: RSF Interview with Dr. Carl Werner, whose DVD will be screened at Denver's August 10th meeting.

* Updated: RSF's single-page site,, is the web's most complete catalog of peer-reviewed journal papers confirming the existence of original biological tissue from dinosaurs. This week we've added a report of soft tissue from a leg bone of an allegedly 80-million-year-old dinosaur. Also, our site is now "above the fold" on Google's first page of results for those who search for: dinosaur soft tissue. We're now at #4 and beating out Science Daily,, and, most rewarding, we're beating PZ Myers' Science Blog site and Discover Magazine's infamous article, Schweitzer's Dangerous Discovery!

Today’s Resource: Get the greatest cell biology video ever made! Getting this on DVD:
- helps you to share it with others
- helps keep Real Science Friday on the air, and
- gets you Dr. Don Johnson's book as a bonus!
Information is encoded in every cell in our DNA and in all living things. Learn how the common world view of life's origin, chemical evolution, conflicts with our knowledge of Information Science. Finally, information Science is changing the way millions of people think about all living systems!

Also, have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? You just might LOVE IT! We offer a 30-day money back guarantee on all purchases.