Real Science Friday: Wildlife Officials Blunder

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Real Science Friday: Wildlife Officials Blunder

This is the show from Friday July 25th, 2008.


* Wildlife Officials Blow It with Fish: by not allowing fisherman to keep small fish, wildlife officials have severely altered the genetic pool of various species, removing genes for large fish. As a result the average length of some species have shrunk by a third, and even after a 15-year moratorium, the larger fish have not returned. For all the natural selection hype, it is sad that governments have blown what would have been a major application of true selection principles.
* Star Formation Problems: Bob Enyart and co-host Fred Williams discuss various creation-evolution and Big Bang issues, including touching briefly on the problems with star formation. Here are some problems from Bob Enyart's notebook:
Condensing Nebula: Condensing a gas cloud, like the Eagle Nebula, would increase pressure and temperature, which would resist collapse.
Spinning: As a spinning nebula condensed, its spin would be conserved, like a figure skater pulling in her arms, so that the rotation rate of a star would be wildly fast beyond anything known in the universe.
Population III: BB predicts that stars of only hydrogen and helium (without heavy elements) should be plentiful, yet not even one has been found. "Astronomers have never seen a pure Population III star, despite years of combing our Milky Way galaxy." -Science 2002
And here are some problems with galaxy formation:
Spiral Galaxies near and far, have the same amount of spin, whether next door or 10 billion light years away.
Spin: A Big Bang doesn't account for them spinning in the first place.
Arms: after supposed billions of years, their spiral arms should now be deformed.
Speed: the stars in the arms of spinning galaxies are moving at speeds far beyond what Big Bang physics can begin to explain.
Scientists admit they don't even know which formed first, stars or galaxies. And they have the most difficult time even explaining where our own Moon came from, let alone the entire universe. Thus, far from being able to explain how the universe could form apart from God, they are groping in the dark.
* Famous Oath Now Negotiable: Dr. James Dobson is set to violate his oath taken before God, in which he famously pledged: "for the rest of my life, however long God lets me live on this earth, I will never cast one vote for any man or woman who would kill one innocent baby." After invoking God in that oath, Dobson now says he might endorse John McCain, a politician who advocates killing innocent babies. Invite others to hear this online (right here) at:

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* Supporter Sends 50 Sheets to American RTL!: Help with the Sheets of Shame: One person just sent 50 sheets to ARTL! Can you get seven sheets and send them to Denver for a major prolife project! Please help American RTL welcome the DNC to Denver this summer! They need 100 people to send them seven sheets each for a top secret project called the Sheets of Shame! Can you send any sheets? If you can't send seven, can you send one or two? Can you go to a second hand store? Can you get free sheets at Can you call a hotel, hospital, nursing home, motel, jail, or ask some friends? To do a proper greeting, here's what...

ARTL's DNC Welcoming Committee needs:
-What: Sheets and more sheets
- Quantity: 700 sheets
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- Size: queen, preferably; but others ok, especially king
- Info: or 1-888-888-ARTL
- When: please ship your sheets to arrive by Aug 2

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Oh great, "from the notebook of the great Astronomer Bob Enyart"
Does Bob even own a telescope?


New member
Oh great, "from the notebook of the great Astronomer Bob Enyart"
Does Bob even own a telescope?

But it's fun to disagree with real science. I remember the days when I was a YECer... I have no idea how I processed information during that time period... :hammer:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
But it's fun to disagree with real science. I remember the days when I was a YECer... I have no idea how I processed information during that time period... :hammer:

I can see how people can have bad information about stuff they don't deal with every day.
When does a Minister or a Web Designer tear open the Earth?
I tear open the Earth on occasion, to put things there, so I notice that things line up with the old earth scenario.
But someone that dosen't dig many holes may be inclined to believe that all the archeologists, geologists, oceanographers, coal miners and oil barrens are really part of a great Atheist conspireicy to deny God so they can have sex with animals and smoke crack.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

Do you, fool?

I had a couple when I was a kid, I've been tinkering around with the one my brother got free from Marlboro the last couple years, I've seen the rings of saturn.

Two days ago my wife bought me a broken one at a garage sale, the tripod was messed up and it was missing the eyepeices. I beat the tripod into shape, added some nuts and bolts it was missing and then went about the eye peice problem.
I tried the lope that I use for looking at small things, and found that I could resolve the picture from the main lens but I had to have the lens about six inches from the end of the tailpeice and I had to have my eye further back still, So I found out that I could unscrew the eyepeice of my binoculers and resolve the image just being about two inches back and I could put my eye right up to it.
So, I grabbed an emty toilet paper roll and fashioned a tube extension that would adapt my binocular eye peice onto my telescope.
And I was off.
The scopes I've had before had the stupid fork type mount that wasn't very user freindly at all, this thing my wife got had an equtorial mount with the fine tuning ring and worm gears that allowed me to track my target across the sky with little fuss.
I didn't have any kind of camera mount so to take this picture i held my camera upto the lens and tried a couple different exposure options.
The scope is a Polaris by Mead and the camera that I held against the eyepeice with my shaky hands was a 7.1 megapixal Olymbus compact digital FE-230.
The eyepeice was from a Buschnell 10x50.
Edited to add; that's Jupiter of course, in case you couldn't tell.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I had a couple when I was a kid, I've been tinkering around with the one my brother got free from Marlboro the last couple years, I've seen the rings of saturn.

Two days ago my wife bought me a broken one at a garage sale, the tripod was messed up and it was missing the eyepeices. I beat the tripod into shape, added some nuts and bolts it was missing and then went about the eye peice problem.
I tried the lope that I use for looking at small things, and found that I could resolve the picture from the main lens but I had to have the lens about six inches from the end of the tailpeice and I had to have my eye further back still, So I found out that I could unscrew the eyepeice of my binoculers and resolve the image just being about two inches back and I could put my eye right up to it.
So, I grabbed an emty toilet paper roll and fashioned a tube extension that would adapt my binocular eye peice onto my telescope.
And I was off.
The scopes I've had before had the stupid fork type mount that wasn't very user freindly at all, this thing my wife got had an equtorial mount with the fine tuning ring and worm gears that allowed me to track my target across the sky with little fuss.
I didn't have any kind of camera mount so to take this picture i held my camera upto the lens and tried a couple different exposure options.
The scope is a Polaris by Mead and the camera that I held against the eyepeice with my shaky hands was a 7.1 megapixal Olymbus compact digital FE-230.
The eyepeice was from a Buschnell 10x50.
That's cool, fool. :thumb:

Now can you use that telescope to confirm or refute what Bob said?


New member
Hall of Fame
That's interesting about the fish. I should pass that info along to a relative of mine who is a game warden.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That's cool, fool. :thumb:

Now can you use that telescope to confirm or refute what Bob said?

Like what? he says the arms of the galaxys should be deformed? what should they look like? How fast should they be spinning? Can we see Bob's research?

If you can think of something you want a picture of let me know, I'm in the northern hemispere.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Like what? he says the arms of the galaxys should be deformed? what should they look like? How fast should they be spinning? Can we see Bob's research?
You could probably find the same research he read....

If you can think of something you want a picture of let me know, I'm in the northern hemispere.
How about the far side of the moon :D


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Did you listen to the show?
No, I'm to busy photographing Jupiter.

You are RIGHT! :thumb:
That The Berean, ya know
He's got the right stuff.
I feel like I'm taking apart a robot's eyeball, from a robot that is nothing but an eyeball, I'm taking away what it was suposed to be and doing what I will with it, it was suposed to be a webcam and enjoy countless hours of family's conversing with each other and new friends made, but instead it will be torn apart and made to look at cold objects in the colder night sky, at the end of some long tube!

Here we go.
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