Real Science Friday Week: Where's Noah's Ark?

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RSF Week: Where's Noah's Ark?

This is the show from Friday March 18th, 2011.


* Dr. Don Patton in the RSF Studio: The scientist who debunked the claimed 2010 sighting of Noah's Ark, Dr. Don Patton, talks to Bob Enyart about his ascent up Mt. Ararat to investigate that claim. See Dr. Patton, and two scientists including one of Turkey's leading seismologists in this conclusive 14-minute video exposing the fraud, the exposé web page, and this conclusive photographic evidence debunking the scam.

* Dr. Patton's Own Work on Ararat Coming to a Climax
: Lord willing, this summer Dr. Patton will again climb Mt. Ararat to 16,600 feet along with an extraordinary team of scientists. They will attempt to excavate through 20 feet of ice at the most-often cited location for the remnants of Noah's Ark. This follows their 2010 expedition during which one of the world's leading experts in ground-penetrating radar surveyed their target area with the latest technology and corroborated recent satellite telemetry and a claimed 1943 sighting by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Ed Davis, (see drawings, etc.). Please pray for Dr. Patton's efforts and that he will have continued favor with the Turkish scientific and archaeological community, the Kurds at the base of Ararat, and the government of Turkey.

* Dr. Patton Helped Excavate the Pool of Siloam
: A geologist and archaeological excavator, Dr. Patton has worked professionally in more than a dozen countries and has excavated the longest set of dinosaur track in the Americas. And he was an area coordinator for the important excavation of the Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem (which discovery tied into a major debate that Bob Enyart was involved in at the time).

* Help Confirm This Quote: The first editor of National Geographic magazine, Gilbert Grosvenor, is quoted as having said: "The discovery of Noah's Ark would be the greatest archaeological find in human history, the greatest event since the resurrection of Christ, and it would alter all the currents of scientific thought." If anyone has time to research this quote, to discredit or corroborate it, Bob Enyart would be grateful. Here's our scant information: Grosvenor was Nat'l Geographic editor from 1899 to 1954 and died in 1966. A 2004 article by a Marvin Cooley writes that Grosvenor stated something like this to ark explorer Don Shockey who graduated with a degree in anthropology in 1957 from University of New Mexico. is an acquaintance of both Dr. Patton and Ed Davis. The earliest dated online reference to this quote we've found so far is from May of 1999 in an article at the Ark Research Project by Matthew Kneisler.

Today’s Resource: Get a science DVD, book, or written, audio or video debate from us and this will help BEL continue to reach people with our Real Science Friday broadcasts! Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out the DVD What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy and Walt Brown’s great hardcover book In the Beginning! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI’s tremendous Creation magazine and Ken Ham's Answers magazine!  Or to order call BEL at 1-800-8Enyart.

* Special Editions of Real Science Friday:
- BEL's famous List of Not-So-Old Things
- Bob's debate with Christian Darwinist British author James Hannam
- PZ Myers blogs against Real Science Friday so we hit back with the PZ Trochlea Challenge
- Waiting for Darwin's Other Shoe: Science mag cover: Darwin Was Wrong on the Tree of Life
- Microbiologist in Studio: Creation Research Society Quarterly editor on new genetic findings
- Caterpillar Kills Atheism: describe how a bug could evolve to liquefy itself and then build itself into a flying creature
- And see the RSF Offer of $2,000 to get 16 letters of the alphabet in their correct places; $500 paid in 1998; $1,500 in 2010...

For our RSF Friends: in case you miss other BEL programs, here are some of the atheists Bob Enyart has debated:
- ABC's Reginald Finley, called The Infidel Guy, from ABC's Wife Swap program; 3-26-07;
- TheologyOnLine's psychologist Zakath in a 10-round moderated written online debate, also available in soft cover;
- John Henderson who wrote the book 6-15-2006;
- Leading anti-creationist Eugenie Scott of the Nat'l Center for Science Education, exhumed 5-6-05;
- Michael Shermer, an editor with Scientific American and the Skeptic Society who in this famous 73-second excerpt on BEL denied that the sun is a light, illustrating that it's tough debating atheists when they're hesitant to admit to even the most obvious common ground. 8-28-03
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