Walter ReMine on Haldane's Dilemma
This is the show from Friday, August 3rd, 2012.
* Haldane's Dilemma Unanswered for 50 Years Falsifies Darwinism: Real Science Friday's Bob Enyart and Fred Williams conclude their four-part interview with engineer and information expert Walter ReMine presenting Haldane's Dilemma. As addressed in ReMine's classic book, The Biotic Message, Bob, Fred and Walter ReMine describe this "speed limit of evolution" as discovered by a founder of population genetics, J.B.S. Haldane, one of the top evolutionists of the 20th century. While Haldane himself remained an evolutionist till the end, ReMine is credited with doing perhaps more than anyone else to remind the world that in more than half a century of trying, evolutionists have been unable to answer Haldane's unintended falsification of Darwinian evolution.
* Darwinian Systematics Given Up On In the 1970s: It took over a century for Darwinists to acknowledge that the fossil record does not provide proof of common descent of organisms. Called "the trade secret of paleontology", this problem has been extensively and specifically admitted by leading evolutionary scientists (most of whom, regardless, remained evolutionists). Regarding the Darwinist hope of building a hierarchical evolutionary lineage based on excavated fossils, "Those illusions went down the drain in the mid-1970s," says Walter ReMine, when cladistics and phenetics rose up and took their place.
* Phenetics and Cladistics: Phenograms classify biological entities based on overall organism similarity whereas cladistics looks more at specific anatomical or genetic features and builds charts based on nested features. Bob Enyart's current atheist sparring partner, AronRa, claims that clades show evolution. Here's Bob Enyart's description of the illusion of evolutionary cladistics:
The clade diagram, drawn like a tree, has hard data only at the tips of the tree (i.e., the buds, or leaves), but the branches in the diagram are not proof of evolution. Rather, they are an illusion of proof. Clade diagrams document a nested hierarchy of features such that the hard science is at the tips of the branches. It's only assumptions then, that claim the diagram shows ancestry. So the tips are where the data is; that's where the science is. The branches themselves, right down to the trunk, form an illusion that's made up of assumptions which are presented as though they were actual data. -Bob Enyart, Real Science Friday
* RSF Walter ReMine Interviews
- RSF Interviews Walter ReMine Pt. 1
- RSF Interviews Walter ReMine Pt. 2
- ReMine on the Origin of Sexual Reproduction Pt. 3
- Walter ReMine on Haldane's Dilemma Pt. 4 (this show)
Today’s Resource: Get the greatest cell biology video ever made! Getting this on DVD:
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Information is encoded in every cell in our DNA and in all living things. Learn how the common world view of life's origin, chemical evolution, conflicts with our knowledge of Information Science. Finally, information Science is changing the way millions of people think about all living systems!
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This is the show from Friday, August 3rd, 2012.
* Haldane's Dilemma Unanswered for 50 Years Falsifies Darwinism: Real Science Friday's Bob Enyart and Fred Williams conclude their four-part interview with engineer and information expert Walter ReMine presenting Haldane's Dilemma. As addressed in ReMine's classic book, The Biotic Message, Bob, Fred and Walter ReMine describe this "speed limit of evolution" as discovered by a founder of population genetics, J.B.S. Haldane, one of the top evolutionists of the 20th century. While Haldane himself remained an evolutionist till the end, ReMine is credited with doing perhaps more than anyone else to remind the world that in more than half a century of trying, evolutionists have been unable to answer Haldane's unintended falsification of Darwinian evolution.
* Darwinian Systematics Given Up On In the 1970s: It took over a century for Darwinists to acknowledge that the fossil record does not provide proof of common descent of organisms. Called "the trade secret of paleontology", this problem has been extensively and specifically admitted by leading evolutionary scientists (most of whom, regardless, remained evolutionists). Regarding the Darwinist hope of building a hierarchical evolutionary lineage based on excavated fossils, "Those illusions went down the drain in the mid-1970s," says Walter ReMine, when cladistics and phenetics rose up and took their place.
* Phenetics and Cladistics: Phenograms classify biological entities based on overall organism similarity whereas cladistics looks more at specific anatomical or genetic features and builds charts based on nested features. Bob Enyart's current atheist sparring partner, AronRa, claims that clades show evolution. Here's Bob Enyart's description of the illusion of evolutionary cladistics:
The clade diagram, drawn like a tree, has hard data only at the tips of the tree (i.e., the buds, or leaves), but the branches in the diagram are not proof of evolution. Rather, they are an illusion of proof. Clade diagrams document a nested hierarchy of features such that the hard science is at the tips of the branches. It's only assumptions then, that claim the diagram shows ancestry. So the tips are where the data is; that's where the science is. The branches themselves, right down to the trunk, form an illusion that's made up of assumptions which are presented as though they were actual data. -Bob Enyart, Real Science Friday
* RSF Walter ReMine Interviews
- RSF Interviews Walter ReMine Pt. 1
- RSF Interviews Walter ReMine Pt. 2
- ReMine on the Origin of Sexual Reproduction Pt. 3
- Walter ReMine on Haldane's Dilemma Pt. 4 (this show)
Today’s Resource: Get the greatest cell biology video ever made! Getting this on DVD:
- helps you to share it with others
- helps keep Real Science Friday on the air, and
- gets you Dr. Don Johnson's book as a bonus!
Information is encoded in every cell in our DNA and in all living things. Learn how the common world view of life's origin, chemical evolution, conflicts with our knowledge of Information Science. Finally, information Science is changing the way millions of people think about all living systems!
Also, have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? You just might LOVE IT! We offer a 30-day money back guarantee on all purchases.